If you have a cottage - you are a happy person, but there is one problem that torments all summer residents without exception is insects in the form of mosquitoes, from which there is simply no salvation. In fact, there is no problem that would not be solved, so let's find out today how to deal with mosquitoes on your site and what methods of their destruction exist.
Plot processing
You, probably, have seen on television or in humilia, as abroad, where the mass of terrible insects, there are simplicated in the territories of hotels. Someone did not even notice this and accepted it as proper, but it should be noted that such warm countries as Egypt, Bali, Thailand are countries where insects are everywhere and always, but when you are in the hotel. They do not bother you. All this is because. That there is regularly handling the territory from insects.
First of all, when you will reflect on the methods of combating insects in your site, you need to immediately think about the health of those who are in the country, so the way you have chosen necessarily should be absolutely safe for animals and people.
You can also immediately tell you that you can not handle the area from insects on your own and assistance to you here.
The most common preparations that are used by dackets to achieve the goal, in this case it is to fight insects, ticks and other parasites, are:
- Dig poles
- Agran
- Fors Site
- Typertrine
Experienced summer residents are also recommended to be used to combat mini-enemies such as a medilis-cyper.
It should be noted that all the means listed above are completely safe for people, animals and children, so you can use them at any summer site without thinking about your own security. Someone will say that there are no insects that would not be harmful to humans, but at the same time, all sprays for the body, which are used as protection against insects. It is many more dangerous to the funds listed above, so have this fact in mind.
Conducting the processing of the country
After you buy the tool you like, you need to immediately begin the processing of your country area, concentrating your attention on the place of their global cluster. Most often "based" insects:
- Near the holes for draining
- Sewer type tubes
- Basement, etc.
It must be remembered that mosquitoes adore places, where there is a lot of raw, that is why there are always a lot of water, pools, etc.
When you find out exactly where the largest amount of insects is located, you can breed the drug you purchased and start by spraying. How to breed, prepare such drugs will be written on a pack of under it (the instruction is attached in any case, you can not worry).
If ticks are often found in your summer cottage, this is a real trouble, because the neighborhood and bites of mosquitoes can somehow pass, but ticks are dangerous insects, which are simply no salvation.
Excellent means of protection against such dangerous insects are:
- Ram
- Fors Site
- Cypermetrin, etc.
First of all, before processing your country area selected and acquired tool, it will be necessary to see the weather forecast so that there are no precipitation in the next 4 days.
Processing rules
The optimal time for the process under consideration is 17-19 hours or after 21.00. Despite the fact that you have been offered enough safe funds. In essence, they still remain poisons, so it's not worth neglected by means of protection. Gloves and Mary Mask are the main assistants in this matter. It is necessary to understand that no matter how safe such means, they still affect the body, more precisely. Human health, so finding in the absence of protection tools, will be provided to you.
Clothes after you "Create" insects, "better to wash it well. If you poison ticks, remember that they are not climes to height above 150 cm from the soil surface, so you do notice the structures and trees above this mark, it is not worth it.
Do not forget also that the insects under consideration, including mosquitoes, also love to dwell in cool and raw grass, so if on the site you have such a place, it requires careful processing.
If you have such an opportunity, then after you have treated with insects on your site. It is better for several days there will not appear there, it will be the perfect option, because the hitting the means of protection for the mucous membrane negatively affects the health of the body (children can walk along the grass, then lick their hand, dogs and cats are constantly licking themselves, adults can breathe pairs of such means).
If you decide to handle your plot from ticks and mosquitoes, do not break with the choice for this tools, remember that all of the above funds, as well as those that other manufacturers offer you are effective. So, whatever tool you have chosen. Be sure that you are promptly getting rid of mosquitoes and ticks.
The main thing in this business is to tune in to a positive result. To get acquainted with all the above recommendations and select the tool, after that read the instructions carefully and strictly follow it - everything is elementary and simply, if you approach this case with your head.