How to treat currants in autumn

How to treat currants in autumn

Many dachants on the site are growing currant bushes, and it is completely not surprising, because the berry is not quite whimping, and the places for her need quite a bit. Despite this, each gardener should know how to properly care for a berry bush so that the harvest is always rich and large. Today we will deal with more details with how and when you need to process currants by autumn.

The essence of autumn processing

It is clear that in the fruits of currants contains a large number of vitamins, so it is not easy to grow, but it is necessary (stocking vitamins for the entire winter to increase immunity). Currant, like any other culture, needs some care, and autumn pruning one of these events that each gardener should carry out, and necessarily.

Autumn cropping currant represents the following activities:

  • trim all dry branches
  • removal of all branches that were amazed by any disease or pests
  • soil fertilizer under the bush and around it (here we are talking about mineral and organic fertilizers)
  • it is also worth paying attention to the removal of shoots whose age has already exceeded 5 years
  • spraying the bush and soil under it with various means of protection (often for such cases, carbofos are used or a colloidal sulfur, more precisely, its solution)

Currant bush processing rules

It should be noted that it is necessary to carry out the process of processing the culture under consideration, observing a different kind of rule, only so you can achieve the desired result:

  • First of all, the gardener should inspect the entire bush, each of his branch and get rid of the original branches, as well as from those shoots that suffered from glass. Most often on the appearance of such branches are sluggish, but inside they are black. What does it mean that they will not bring the use of the bustard, but they can only harm.
  • If there were even young stems, there were even young stems, they will also need to get rid of them, and under the root to reduce the likelihood of the spread of this disease to the entire bush.
  • If your currant bush is already old, it is necessary to update it. To do this, it is worth removing all the old branches, in this case should not overdo it, because the excessive removal of most branches will negatively affect the solid development of the bush. In order for such a situation, it does not occur, rejuvenate the bush tediously annually, cutting off the third part of all branches.
  • Cut the branches and stalks on the bush are needed with sharp scissors, if the branches are too strong for this tool. Here will be appropriate to the use of a garden of garden (with sharp blades).
  • As soon as you cut a bush, all threads will need to be burned immediately, so that the diseases and pests do not have to spread in bed, and after that, after this, spray the bush itself and soil under it and around it.

Choose mixtures and preparations for spraying currant must be chosen depending on the goal chased:

  • if your goal is to easily fit the ground around the bush, under it, then in this case it will be appropriate to use organic fertilizers
  • if you want to fight some diseases sludge same pests that attacked the bush. Then apply protective drugs that are sold in specialty stores ready-made.

chemical fertilizers

If you will be as it should be, take care of the currant, in time to carry out all preventive processes, while at the end of the season you will get large and rich harvest of fruits and at the same time, enjoy a healthy bush.

In order for your care of this culture can be called perfect, you should also regularly feeding of the plant, its fertilizer. In this case, feeding amount must also be calculated correctly.

If at the time of planting currants you add the soil a sufficient amount of fertilizer in the next few years, gardeners fertilize the bush is not necessary. At the expiration of a couple of years in the ground will need to add a bit of phosphorus and potassium.

Once you make the mineral fertilizer into the soil, it will be necessary to moisten and 10 liters of water under a bush - exactly what you need in this situation.

In the autumn period, a manure will be an excellent means of feeding the soil under the bush. It contains a huge amount of useful components that are saturated with land and enrich it, which affects the recovery rate of its useful properties.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, you can also apply organic substances for fertilizer. They are usually used in autumn, and you will have to fertilize these substances several times during this autumn period.

It should be noted that it is necessary to care for currant bushes not only in spring, but also in summer, in the spring. Here, the whole thing is how often you will update the branches, remove unnecessary parts (branches that are sick, etc.). Much time and strength care for currant you will not take, but it will only be possible if you conduct care procedures regularly. So have it in mind.

Regular maintenance processes should be regular:

  • trimming
  • watering
  • flashing
  • fertilizer
  • spraying

If you all will provide currant bushes, be sure that you will get a good harvest at the end of the season, definitely.

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