Strawberry is quite a whimsical culture that requires care, otherwise nothing can do any way. Let's consider in detail today how to properly care for strawberries and for what purposes it needs to be cut.
Nuances of growing
If you do not care for strawberries, it begins to quickly grow through the entire possible perimeter and if you put it in close proximity to another culture, it is wept all that is near. This is exactly the reason for the need to trim in the spring. In order for the strawberry to have a kind of well-kept bed, it is necessary to carry out the process of its trimming.
You should not think that it is possible to trim the strawberry at any time and somehow, because in fact there is a special scheme of trimming, about the nuances of which every good owner should know. It should also be noted that the process under review can be carried out not only in the spring, but also in the autumn period, and when it is, we will find out right now.
The process is not very complicated, but in order for everything to work out, you need to know how to do it right and what period of time.
The need for trimming
In the autumn, strawberries need to pruning because its bushes need to prepare for winter, but in the spring it is necessary to cut the culture because, after very cold winters, unfortunately, some bushes can be fruitned, therefore, these parts need to be skillfully "amputate", they are already I'm not definitely not needed for the further development of the plant. In obligatory, the gardener should examine each bush, because there are often different diseases after the winter, and the affected areas must be processed (in this case, we get rid of damaged stalks and sheets).
To begin with, let's find out with you why strawberry trimming is needed:
- Thanks to the trimming in the spring period, the roots of the bush will develop better. When we remove the extra, unnecessary process, all useful components will act directly to the root system, and therefore the development of the bush will be operational.
- It is believed that after autumn trimming strawberries, it is better to carry wintering.
- Often, there are already dead and dry leaves of strawberry "live" pathogenic bacteria, and getting rid of such sheets, you save a bush from diseases of various types.
Despite the fact that this procedure is really useful, it also possesses some shortcomings, the main of which are:
- When the gardener cuts the dried leaves, pests and pathogenic bacteria on the soil can be sprinkled with them, in which they can calmly fall and in the spring again begin to further "development".
- In addition, with the spring trimming, we can by chance to remove generative kidneys, which then could become large fruits, thereby there is a possibility to reduce yields due to such thinning.
- When we strawberry in the spring, the bushes will not be able to grow enough quickly, which means and the harvest will be a little later.
No matter how cool, and such a procedure should be done very carefully and carefully to avoid damage to healthy parts of the bushes.
Spring trimming
Despite the fact that everyone knows about the advantages of trimming during a certain period and deficiencies, so far, gardeners have not come to a single opinion about when it is better to produce this process. Let's deal with the nuances of all these moments:
- In the spring, and to be more accurate, then in March it is desirable to trim the strawberry. In this case, you need to save each bush from the branches that were prohibited over the winter, from the leaves that are shockped by frost.
- It is also necessary to get rid of those parts that have become the "victims" of the vital activity of pests and various kinds of diseases.
- Do not forget that it is also worth cleaning and pouring, which remained on the soil, because they can also harm plants.
It should be noted that all these actions will not affect negatively on yields. Thus, you simply get rid of pests and unwanted diseases on strawberry bushes.
Some gardeners are concerned about whether it is necessary to engage in the trimming of the mustache on the bushes of strawberries, because the opinions on this occasion are also ambiguous:
- Some experienced gardeners argue that if it gets rid of those who have formed shoots, then the likelihood of getting a rich harvest is an order of magnitude higher.
- The optimal period for removing the mustache of strawberries is after the harvest is already removed or before the bushes begin their bloom.
- It is best to get rid of the mustache on the bushes or early in the morning, when there is no wind and there is still dew on plants or after the sun has gone.
- It is not worth tearing off with your hand, for these purposes it is better to use the secret, if it is not at hand, then the scissors are also suitable.
Crimping scheme
The cleaning in the spring period is best to produce, so it is not necessary to be lazy in this case - pay a little time to your strawberry area to get a beautiful bed and a rich harvest. The scheme of such a process looks like this:
- Armed with a secateur and Judea on a garden, carefully removing all the sprouts. Which died over the winter, as well as all deformed leaves.
- Do not forget also to strain the leaves that remained on the soil after the winter period.
- In the event that you decide to dissolve the bush, then it is mandatory to get rid of young sockets.
- When you're carrying out bushes, do not forget to also remove all weeds that may appear between the bushes.
- All the extra garbage must be removed from the site, you can burn it.
- The last step in this process is tooling the earth around each bush.
Now you know how to pruning strawberries and why it is necessary.