How to prepare strawberries for winter?

How to prepare strawberries for winter?

Autumn is the time of preparing the beds to the future season. It is necessary to carefully plan and correctly treat the soil under the landing. From how the bushes of strawberries will be prepared in autumn, its future crop depends. Following detailed instructions, it is not difficult to prepare a garden.

After harvesting strawberries, a new stage in the care of the bushes begins. The aisle must be loose and well braid. Be sure to impess the bushes, since the rhizomes will gradually go out. If you do not do this, in the future, fruiting will decrease. Strawberries during this period need to continue to water and feed.

The main stages of strawberry care

Care of bushes in the autumn period is simplified if they have good young leaves. With the onset of the "golden pore" behind the plant you need to continue to care. Knowing how to prepare strawberries for winter, you can be confident: the cold season it will take it well.

Care consists of several stages:

  • removal of diseases affected and dry leaves;
  • usov trimming;
  • cleaning weeds;
  • dipping bushes;
  • soil feeding;
  • mulching.

Trimming bushes of strawberries

Immediately after fruiting, all the leaves are removed from strawberries, so that new ones have grown in their place. Autumn trim differs in that only dry parts of bushes, flowers and places that affected diseases are cut. Damaged leaves increase the risk of developing diseases and reduce the winter hardiness of strawberries. Trimming is carried out with sharp scissors, you can use a secateur.

So that strawberries accumulated useful substances, and did not spend the strength to root the new bushes, the mustache must be removed. If an increase in plantation is planned, they root them. For reproduction, it is better to take only the first sockets. The procedure is carried out in the morning or in the evening in dry warm weather. The mustache near the strawberries can not be overtaken, they should only trim.

Removal of weeds and feeding

The next stage is the removal of weeds. It is necessary to carefully loose aisle. The smaller the vegetable residues, the less likelihood of the development of fungal and bacterial rot during thaws period. At the same time, it is worth performing the bushes. Sleeping kidneys on root cakes are a very vulnerable part of strawberries, so they should be protected by dipping. The procedure is carried out only in dry weather. G

a row under the strawberries in the fall must be reinforced. To do this, use the manure in the amount of 3 kg per square meter. So that there are no burns in the plant, fertilizer should not touch the leaves. Suitable and chicken litter. It is bred by water in such a quantity: 10 liters need to take 1 kg of fertilizer. Wood ashes on strawberries, approximately 100 grams per 1 sq.m. Nitroammofosk is used as a complex fertilizer (on 10 liters of water 2 tbsp).

Mulching soil

The soil mulch must be done for the following reasons:

  • the number of weeds is reduced;
  • soil in spring will warm up faster;
  • the plant is protected from freezing;
  • the Earth is enriched with humus and useful elements.

Mulching strawberries can be done using peat, sawdust or reworked manure. The layer thickness should not be more than 3 cm. So that the strawberry does not disappear under the influence of the cold, they cover it at the end of the autumn. Optimal will be coniferous needles, spruce yard, raspberry branches. This is the perfect shelter material, as it will protect the Earth from supercooling, passes the air to the soil and will release water vapors. It is not recommended to use a straw or hay.

Properly prepared and processed beds with strawberries in the fall is a guarantee of a high harvest in the future.

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