How to prepare the ground for planting strawberries?

How to prepare the ground for planting strawberries?

Strawberry - favorite summer delicacy of many adults and children. You can grow the fragrant berry on your own. So that the works are not in vain and paid off with more than, it is important to comply with some rules for planting the plant.

Selection rules for strawberry disembarking

So that the strawberry bushes please you not only with a rapid growth, but also abundance of scarlet berries, adhere to simple rules:

  • Strawberry is a light-affiliated plant, so it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of sunlight on the beds. When choosing a landing site, consider the shadow from trees that grow close to.
  • Imported land relief. Nizans in which excessive humidity is present, in no case should be selected for strawberry disembarking. If the soil is prone to increased moisture accumulation, choose a slightly inclined area.
  • Useful will also establish soil acidity. The acidic environment requires additional addition of organic fertilizers and lime. It is necessary to create a weakly acidic reaction.
  • If sand prevails in the soil, complete the soil by humus.
  • It is best to plant a berry for those sites where garlic, radishes, dill, peas or salad grew.

Cleaning and Pumping Plot landing

Start the preparation of the soil stands with the purification of the site. Remove the extra garbage, sticks, branches and leaves. Next you need to break the soil. To do this, use the shovel and dig up the land. Soil loosening should be produced a month before landing. If the planting is planned for spring, it follows to pull the soil in September.

Fighting weed grass and pests

  • Delete weeds can be manually.
  • Alternative - introduction to the soil of herbicides of continuous influence.
  • Or you can cover the landing area with a dense film. Weed grass will perish for three weeks.

Often, the selected land plot is rich in not only weed grass, but also larvae insect pests, as well as disputes of various fungi. Such "residents" often provoke various strawberry diseases. Delete uninvited guests will help ammonia water or the drug Roundal. The solution must be made at the rate of 1 l of 5 m 2.soil.

Fertilizer soil

After the site is cleared, the soil must be "feeding". Make it better with fertilizers, in 2-3 weeks before disembarking strawberries.

  • The optimal choice is wood ash rich in potassium and other nutritional connections.
  • A good result will give the introduction of organic substances - compost, humus.
  • You can also enrich the soil with mineral compounds - superphosphate, nitrogen fertilizers.

Fertile soil must contain 3% humus. If the soil lacks this connection, add it to the Corobyak and make the fertilizer of the Earth.

Marking of the plot and design of the bed

The following bed marking techniques are most popular:

  • Simple markup is the most demanded technology. The width of the rows is 0.4-0.5 m, the distance between them is 25-30 cm.
  • Low German beds require preliminary preparation of trenches of a depth of about 40 cm. Cardboard, sawdust or wood fit into it. Next, the layer of soil with fertilizers with a height of 40 cm is stacked.
  • Landing of berries in barrels. In this case, it is necessary to provide vertical drainage.
  • Planting bushes under the agriculture. Choose the necessary size of the bands in accordance with the size of the site and the accommodation of the bushes.

If the disembarkation of berry bushes is produced in summer, select the time after the rain or watering. In the spring, the preliminary watering is not required, because The soil contains a sufficient amount of moisture.

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