How to plant strawberries under black covering material

How to plant strawberries under black covering material

The cultivation of juicy and valuable strawberries has always been famous for the difficulties in the organization. Caring for this plant is very painstaking and requires a lot of physical strength. The main composite planting is the mulching process. This is the protection of the surface of the soil from the growth of weeds, preventing erosion, moisture preservation, so on. Mulching is carried out by organic and inorganic materials. Organics are straw, leaves, sawdust. Inorganic options - plastic, stone, sand. The article will tell you about maintaining the beneficial properties of the Earth under a special coating, spanbond, and between gardeners, black covering material.

How to plant strawberries under black covering material

  • First you need to dig in the ground, make top dressing and pour abundantly for shrinkage of the soil. The hole is made to depth about 15-20 cm. Horse manure or any other type of humus is optimally suitable as fertilizers.
  • Also brought straw into the soil, mixed during digging. The root system is treated with a growth stimulant, for example, cornevite (sprinkled with roots). The raised bed is perfect for the arrangement of spanbond. Moisture does not accumulate on it, it heats up better, the form is convenient for fixing for a long period of time. Speaks are dug around the perimeter to set the film.
  • After the bed is formed, it is covered with a black cloth. A bed of 1 m is made by a 1,5 m canvas width, a free piece is touched in the grooves of the edges in the middle. The roll carefully and gradually rolls out to the length. Fixed to the ground by rails, weighty pebbles or homemade studs. Instead of studs, peeled electrodes bent in the form of a peg for a tourist tent are suitable.
  • It is important to know which side to cover strawberries. The fabric is bilateral, one part is waterproof, it should be from above to protect from rain, bad weather. Now you should make holes for seedlings. Traditional variations are a cross. But experienced gardeners, often practicing mulching, say that it is better than the letter “T” - with a strong wind, the earth does not fall into the holes, and the plants do not bend under the hem. Cuts for a width of 5-6 cm, but no more.
  • For convenience, the marks are placed evenly. A cord or rope is taken and cuts with sharp scissors at a certain distance. Between the points approximately - from 15 to 25 cm, between rows from 30 to 35 cm. The film for mulching is strengthened, cut, now plant a strawberry. Before cutting the window, the hole is felt with your fingers.

Courting strawberries under black covering material

  • The time for landing is the end of July, on a cloudy day or in the evening, when the sun sits down.
    Strawberry loves regular watering. It is enough to water once a week from the watering can. Be sure to monitor moisture stagnation and soil drying out.
  • 1 month after planting, plants are fertilized with biohumus. Next, another 1 entry is duplicated after 2 weeks. In mid -August, watering and ash fertilizer in the amount of 500 g.
    To root well, the seedlings are removed by peduncles and antennae. In the second year, at the end of the crop, the old leaves are cut off.
  • A common fact - diseases under the spanbond are not activated if you follow the rules of care. But just in case, you can still conduct a preventive type of struggle. Prepare a dandelion infusion - 500 g of leaves per 1 bucket of water and an infusion of garlic - 150 g of dry arrows per 1 bucket of water.
  • For the winter period, strawberries are no longer hiding, although if desired they use a spruce, a needle or the same similar matter, but lower density, white or gray, passing the sun's rays.

Every gardener already knows what warfare war is. This is hard work, a sore back and a bad mood. Using an inorganic protective layer gives advantages of rapid growth and the necessary protection of plants from negative factors. The proper operation of the spanbond extends the duration of its validity, retains for work for several years in advance. The advantage of black covering material is a slight exposure to corrosion, which makes it almost indispensable in agriculture. Strawberries grown under the spanbond previously given fruits, and this, in turn, helps gardeners make a profit from the cultivation of these popular berries.

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