How to learn to save money

How to learn to save money

If you are tired of distributing debts, return loans to banks, it's time to learn to save. You can easily manage your means, regularly increase savings, without refusing to yourself in small joys and cherished purchases. How to learn to save?

The very first thing to be done is to take the rule to postpone 10% of any income into the piggy bank. It will be an inviolable part; It can be placed on the deposit in the bank to cover inflation. The rest of the money can be used for any needs: repay loans (if available) - 20%, spend on current costs - 70%. If there are no loans, you can postpone 30% instead of 10%, and the remaining amount to spend on life.


First of all, when you received a salary, you need to postpone money in the piggy bank. Otherwise, you risk them to spend "accidentally". Then it is necessary to compile a list of the most priority expenses:

  • food;
  • rental housing, utilities;
  • medicines;
  • travel;
  • payment for courses, study, kindergarten, etc.

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You also need to write out optional expenses on the leaf. You can spend money on them if there were enough money for all obligatory payments, and the money remained. If the money earned is not enough, wait a month, but do not take and do not take from the piggy bank. Optional expenses include:

  • movies, cafes, entertainment centers;
  • buying fashionable dear clothes;
  • presents;
  • visiting the beauty salon, etc.

Pretty weighty part of the family budget goes on food. Of course, to refuse delicious and useful products is not worthwhile, the body requires a balanced diet. But still you can save on food. Try to choose cheaper alternatives, buy seasonal fruits, and not expensive overseas exotic.

In principle, you can save on everything: even in transport. Calculate how much money you goes to travel, and analyze how the types of transport you use most often. A travel ticket will help you significantly reduce this cost of expenses. If you need to overcome a short distance, walk around. It will help and save money, and to strengthen health. An alternative to public transport can be a bike - it will help free to overcome any distances and in parallel to enjoy cycling.

Communal services can also be significantly reduced. For example, all "ordinary" lamps replace energy saving. They consume 80% less electricity and no longer fail. For the night, be sure to turn off all devices from the network. The same rule concerns the period when you are not at home. Even if, for example, the computer does not work, but is included in the network - it still consumes energy. As for the payment for water, gas - the presence of a meter will significantly reduce the cost of these articles.

If you are used to buying branded things, try finding them on Internet sites. The model can be selected and even to measure in the store, and the order to do through the network is so much cheaper. In addition, you can use the shares on the sale.

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Considerse all your wretched - recording every day what for how much you bought. At the end of the month, analyze what could be saved on, and from what to refuse. To do this, you can use a special program, for example, " MoneyTracker." Before making a purchase, think about whether you need a concrete thing, or it is a momentary fault. Of course, this does not concern the broken refrigerator, we are talking, for example, about the 20th blouse or about a new mobile phone.

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Refuse bad habits - they "eat" a significant part of your budget. It is better to spend this money with benefit (for example, go to the pool, buy fruit, relax in nature) or postpone into the piggy bank.

When you learn to save, you do not have to take loans, borrow from friends and relatives. You can effortlessly collect funds for the purchase of household appliances, postpone on vacation, to buy cars or even apartments. And on the family budget it will practically not affect.

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