Few, when making a monthly payment on a loan pays a clearly appointed amount to the ruble. In most cases, for their own convenience, people are rounded the amount in a large side to hundreds or even thousands. This accumulates a certain overpayment.
If the loan has not yet been repaid, it is possible to return an overlated amount next month. If you know exactly the amount of the accumulated overpayment, make the following payment less. If there are doubts - it is worth contacting this issue to the bank. There will be recalculated and called an accurate amount of overpayment on the loan.
If all payments on the loan are manufactured, then to return overly paid funds, you need to contact a bank with a statement in which it is worth specifying your bank account to which the return will be issued. With me, you need to have a passport, a loan agreement, all receipts for paying monthly credit payments. There will also be a photocopy of all these documents.
Basically, the issue of returning a loan overpayment is solved on the spot on the day of the client's appeal. The bank writes out the expendable cash order and gives the entire amount of cash.
If the bank for some reason refuses to return the overpayment, please contact the arbitration court with a claim. A set of documents in this case is still the same (see above). You are entitled to demand from the bank, except for the return of an overlaid amount, also a penalty for illegal use of other people's funds. Its size can reach 1/300 from the total amount of the claim for every day following the Bank's refusal day in the return of debt.
Following the court, the bank will be obliged to pay and overpay the loan, and a penalty. Law in any case on your side. Moreover, the management of the bank will most likely not want to spoil the reputation of the bank and issue a return before the court.
Nothing terrible is that you are overpaid on the loan no, it is much better than underpaying. At the same time, you always have the ability to return an overlated amount. Feel free to demand what belongs to you rightfully.