How to make money baby

How to make money baby

According to the law, it is possible to work only from 14 years. However, in 10-12 children can get some amount for their work. In addition, along with the income, labor experience brings a child an understanding of money value, brings up responsibility and thrift in a small person.

At any age, you can earn on cleaning. Assist in everyday family, familiar, neighbors and receive money for this is a great option.

The child may well perform in the role of a gardener or a climber. At worst, just collect fallen leaves or clean snow - also work.

Organize car wash for remuneration. Such activity does not require special skills, but quite profitable.

Let the child puts the ads. Many advertising agencies will not refuse such services, however, require qualitative performance. Similar to the situation with the distribution of leaflets: intelligent promoters today are needed everywhere.

If the child is well oriented in the city, can earn a courier. For the delivery of flowers, pizza, other purchases require only knowledge of streets and routes of public transport.

Often, children get well with other children. Offer schoolboy to work nanny. Of course, a huge advantage will be the previously acquired similar experience, for example, with the younger sister brothers. Main qualities for any nanny - attentiveness, patience, love for kids. And of course, your child must have a list of phones on hand, which should be called in emergency situations.

It is somewhat easier to look after the animals. Almost everyone can take a walk with a dog, clean the cell hamster or aquarium, feed four-legged favorites. For a child who loves all liveness, such employment will be joy.

Forces, teenage and trade. If you have a garden, highlight a few beds with younger, so that he has grown and sold the harvest. In another case, newspapers, sweets, useful smallers are suitable. Most likely, the child has good, but already unnecessary toys or clothing. Serve him the idea to sell some items to get your own capital. Used things easier to implement through specialized sites -,,

It is much more interesting to sell Hand-Made products. Surely a child in something like something: draws, weaves, creates crafts ... almost every hobby can be turned into a small business. Such earnings contributes to self-development and allows one to obtain moral satisfaction.

Win money is possible for prizes in various contests. Relief in the child the spirit of rivalry, motivate participation in competitions, and then he will want to try his strength in an equal struggle.


Modern teenagers do not think of themselves without a computer. But the time behind the monitor can be carried out with profit! Depending on the level of knowledge of the child, it is able to download the movie and write it onto the media, edit photos, dial text or even reinstall the operating system. For each of these services, people pay.

Older children who have mastered the Internet can replenish a piggy bank using online expanses. There is a lot of resources where customers place tasks of different nature: put like, make a repost, write a comment, to participate in the survey or go to the specified link. Most popular sites - ADVEGO., Wmmail, WPComment. If the child writes works well, suggest it to conduct your own blog, for example, Livejournal. When publishing small stories or own thoughts at the end of the record, an advertising link should be placed and thus earn money.

Whatever way of earning you choose, always take care of the safety of young worker. Familiarize him with the rules of fair trade, the quality of the services provided, behavior with strangers. If necessary, help the child, maintain it and express complete confidence that everything will turn out great.

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