How to remove money from phone tele2

How to remove money from phone tele2

For various reasons, the mobile amount of money may be on the mobile: some subscriber threw them by mistake, the payment of corporate communications increased or came the bonus for the online survey. But if you have such a piggy bank on your phone without need, money can always be cash and put on everyday needs.

If you want to make money from the tele2, use our advice.

How to make money in the telephone office2

This method is suitable for you with the mistakes made by phone. The main condition is a cellular registered on you.

  • Collect documents confirming the infidelity of the translation. It may be a check or account extract.
  • Find out the exact details of the bank, the number of your account or card, where the incorrect funds will go.
  • Go to the telephone department2, do not forget the passport.
  • Write a statement on the branded letterhead on the return of funds by filling out all the graphs.

The money transfer will come to your card of the month after two, provided that you will not spend a penny from the claimed amount.


How to remove money from phone body 2 - Refusal of operator services

If finances needed urgently and take them now, but there is some sleep on the mobile phone, refuse communication services.

  • Contact your telephone office. In the statement, specify a motivated refusal of mobile services and the refund requirement.
  • Imagine the operator document certifying the identity and account number to transfer the amount.
  • Expect finance after 60 days.

Note: Bonus rubles of tele2 does not master and does not return.


How to make money from phone body 2 - payments

If you do not want to go to organizations, spend money on the Internet shopping. This will be indirect withdrawal, but the time saving is huge. Go to the site of your operator, make a free virtual "Tele2 MasterCard".

  • Click on the button - release the map.
  • In the field that appears, enter the cell number and wait for SMS with the details of the map.
  • Activation lasts a few seconds and forward - shopping. By the way, with this card you can easily translate electronic to Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Kiwi Wallet, and from there - to a bank account and - cash in your pocket.


How to make money from phone body 2 on

Mobile money can be used to repay debts on housing and communal services, loan and other domestic services, if you use the service -

  • Open the site, select the desired item in the department - payment of goods and services. Click.
  • Enter the phone number, amount, your data.
  • Enter the Bank's Beach, the number of the personal account, the type of payment. Next - to pay.

Commission - 3%, but not less than five rubles.


How to remove funds through money transfer

There is another way to get ringing coins - through the "Contact" payment system, but the commission is 5.7% there. If you decide to withdraw your capital in this way, follow the scheme:

  • sign in to the site - Tele2-money;
  • open the Money Transfers tab. Next - which place will go to the money - in Russia or the CIS;
  • select a translation method from the portal specified on the portal;
  • in the window that opens, fill the required bands. Send.

You can send from 1000 to 15,000 rubles at a time. Take at least 10 times a day, but the total amount itself should not exceed 40,000 rubles.


It doesn't matter what way you will withdraw funds. The main thing is possible. Show a little effort - and the money will be slaughtered in your hands.

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