How to make money from the phone on the map

How to make money from the phone on the map

There are many ways to cash out money, which turned out to be on your mobile account and will not be needed in the near future. It is the most convenient to produce such a translation will be subscribers connected to networks of biline, megaphone or MTS.

Easy way to rent money from phone to map

Reliable money from the phone to the bank card for the above operators is easiest through their official sites. To do this, select one of the proposed links (" Easy payment"From MTS," Mobile plates»For megaphone, Beeline. Doney) And follow further instructions. In the appropriate section of the site, find the subparagraph "Transfer to the map" and fill out the proposed type form - the phone number for translation, the card number, the desired amount for receiving, following the prompts on the screen. For transfers to a map of any bank, there are such restrictions:

  • for MTS: derive from 1 700 to 15 000 r. more than 5 transfers per day; The maximum amount for 24 hours - no more than 30,000 rubles, for a month - up to 40 000 r. The Commission will be 4%, but from 25 p.;
  • for Bilayna: The Commission is 4.95%, with a one-time translation from 1,300 to 15 000 p. and a daily restriction of 15,000 r., for a month - 40,000 rubles;
  • for MegaFon: The Commission is tightly tied to the amount of transfer: from 1 p. up to 4999 r. - 5.95% + 95 rubles; from 5,000 to 15 000 - 5.95% + 259. The minimum translation of 1 r., per day - 15 000 r., per month - 40 000 r.

Transfer money from the phone to the account

To transfer funds from a card to a bank account allow only Beeline and MegaFon. Otherwise, the peculiarities of the procedure are not too different. Come on the links from paragraph 1 and select another subparagraph, with the name "Bank Translations", indicating the details of your account details. For this type of transfers, the following restrictions apply: Beeline will allow from 500 rubles to 15,000 rubles per day, up to 40,000 per month, with a commission of 4.95%. This service, unfortunately, is not supported by all banks. You can use only Alfa-Bank's accounts,, MTS Bank, Probusinessbank, Bank Opening, Renaissance Credit, Tinkoff and some others most popular. The same is true for the company MegaFon.

Transfers of money from the phone to virtual cards

Some cellular communications offer to take advantage of virtual cash cards among them MTS and its MTS money service from MasterCard, which can be obtained completely free. The Commission for any of its replenishment is 1.5%. The virtual card from the megaphone is attributed to the VISA payment system and have the following feature: the number of funds on the map is always equal to the balance on the phone. Commission for payments is 1.5% + 5 p.

Do not forget that money from the phone can be received in cash, without paying the double commission - for transfer to the bank and removal from the ATM. To do this, on MTS sites, MegaFon and Beeline, choose the section "Get Cash" or "Transfer to Unistream \\ Contact", enter the actual phone number, the amount and phio of the recipient. Create cash is easy at any transfer point, correctly specifying the online data entered.

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