How to make money from mts phone

How to make money from mts phone

It happens on a mobile phone account, a decent amount accumulates: several times threw money and forgotten. It is a pity to spend it all on calls, and naturally, the question arises, how to remove cash? MTS service provides such a service to its subscribers - take accumulations from the personal telephone account.

To withdraw residual capital from cellular can be at home or at work, the main thing is that there is an Internet access.

How to remove money with MTS translation to map

This is suitable for those who use Sberbank debit cards - Visa, MasterCard and who has a telephone online assistant. It is better to withdraw all your finances to the card account - this is the most economical way, since consumption with the amount will be 2.6%, when transferring to the card number - 4%. MTS permits from 1700 to 15,000 rubles per day. The funds come, as a rule, within 24 hours. Extreme case - five days.

  • Go to your personal account MTS, if you do not have it, register.
  • Find, scrolling the mouse down, "easy payment".
  • Look for "repayment of loans" - Press Sberbank, then - by account number.
  • In the window that opens, put the bank details, your last name, initials, the amount of the bills. Specify correctly, from where the tools will be seized - from the MTS mobile phone account. Click down the button below.
  • The cellular comes a message from Kiwi Bank, through which your banknotes will be held. Confirm your consent to the operation by sending any word to the number sent. If the payment passed, you will see a message in the Personal Account - payment is made.


How to make money with MTS through Unistream

Everything is quite simple here. Moving the right amount to the Unistream Issue, which is closest to your place of residence or the office. Translate better from any mobile payment system. Consider how it looks in Moby.Money.

  • Open the official website of the organization.
  • On the left side of the first page, find the inscription - money transfers. Click.
  • A receipt will appear in which you want to enter information about yourself, cell number, the sum of the translation. Fill it out and go to get money in the nearest point Unistream.
  • Take a document confirming your identity and control number. Commission - 2.9%.


How to make money with mts via qiwi

Kiwi's virtual system also allows the removal of money from MTS, but to do it better by registering on the site.

  • Open the menu. In the column "Top up" find the operator MTS.
  • In the payment, enter the amount, the phone number from which the wallet will be replenished.
  • After a few seconds, the activation code will come to your mobile phone. Drive it in the confirmation string.
  • With successful payment, receive a message about the write-off of the claimed amount.

Funds will be enrolled within an hour. Then with a kiwi wallet, withdraw money on a bank account or map or send the translation. Commission - 1.5%, but not less than 50 rubles.

How to make money in the MTS office

You can take cash in the MTS office, provided that you change the operator and annive the SIM card. If it is suitable for you, be patient because it's a protracted. First, write an application for termination of a service contract for a special form. Register it from the MTS operator. Your request will be considered two months, but in the end, the funds will be returned to you.

Photo 90.

Remove money from MTS is quite real, there are many ways, choose the one that is convenient for you.

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