How to set up a microphone on windows 7?

How to set up a microphone on windows 7?

The problem with the installation and adjustment of the microphone pursues many PC users, although in fact it would seem, everything is simple. It is enough just to connect the wire plug with the desired mode and apply the appointment device. Practice shows that additional manipulations may be required.

Check and connect

The first step towards the successful completion of the work is to establish the fact of the serviceability of the entire equipment. In our case, this is mainly concerning the microphone \\ headset, a sound card or its module on the motherboard. Test headphones are easiest - connect them with smartphone or tablet, player, any mobile device. It must identify them automatically, displaying music without additional settings. If this does not happen, it is worth checking the device's performance with other headphones or wondering about the functionality of the latter.

Next, connect the sound card, which should be displayed in the Device Manager (Computer - Properties - the first item on the left above). In some cases, it may be necessary to change the BIOS settings, however, they require consideration in a separate article. We will proceed from the assumption that the microphone with a sound card is good and without problems are determined by the computer. Further:

  1. We produce physical connection of a microphone plug with a map connector. Typically, the correct socket is painted with pink or red, as well as indicated by a suitable schematic image. When connected to other "sockets" will not work.
  2. Go to the settings in the OS itself (for Windows 7): From the "Control Panel", select "Sound" -\u003e "Record", we look into the list of devices and click on the model of our microphone right-click.
  3. Select it by the default device, once again click twice, a new window will appear.
  4. You can enhance voice sound on the "Levels" tab, moving both sliders to the right. It should be remembered that the gain above 10-20 dB is able to cause additional noise, negatively affecting the quality of the sound.

Solving possible problems

If the sound from the microphone seems very quiet, try to strengthen it not only by rotating the lever on the speakers, but also by moving the Windows slider. To do this, right-click on the speaker icon from the bottom to the right of the desktop on the bottom and select "Mixer". Install, reinstall or update the sound system driver - it is capable of not only to improve the sound quality, but also make the configuration process is much better. After the key changes, do not forget to reboot the OS, so that the fixes entered into force.

If the microphone does not work in some specific program, but visible in the "Record Devices" - most likely the problem lies in the settings of the software itself. Go through the menu and find a section in which the device should be selected for negotiations (especially relevant for skype, specific sound work programs, like Adobe Audition, many other applications).

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