How to use coconut oil

How to use coconut oil

Coconut oil is known for its wonderful qualities since ancient times, in the era of the Board of Cleopatra. It was used as a rejuvenating agent, because the oil is well absorbed by the skin, and it quickly becomes velvety. In addition, makes hair strong and silky. But this is not all the positive qualities of this magic agent.

Coconut oil is obtained from coconut walnut, which contains 65% of valuable substances. The pulp is separated from the shell, dried, crushed. Then the method of cold pressing produces an unrefined mass. It has a white color with a slight creamy tint and a pronounced coconut aroma. At a temperature of +25 acquires oil consistency, and if the temperature drops below - and hardens at all. The mixture, due to the high heat resistance, is slowly oxidized and, accordingly, is able to be stored for a long time.

The beneficial properties of unrefined oil can be explained by the presence in its composition of fatty saturated acids - Laurinova, Miristinova. For example, Laurinova it is enriched by 50%! By cleaning unrefined oil, a cleaned transparent substance is obtained with a lighter odor, however, many vitamins are lost during the processing process.

Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology: moisturizing body lotions protecting on the sun balms, antipersperats, which do not cause skin irritation, shaving cream and a different skin type, means for reducing stretch marks, anti-pigment stains, massage oil. But it is useful to apply a substance in its pure form.

Coconut oil has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties, so it is well used for hair as a mask along their entire length. To give preference in this case, it should be unrefined. But it should not be applied to the skin of the head, because a film is formed, which does not allow to go outside the products of the sebaceous glands. If you are planning to rub the oil and in the roots, it is better to buy purified. Coconut oil is very helpful, since it does not contain chemical additives, stabilizers, preservatives, fragrances, flavors, thickeners and dyes, nourishes and strengthens the hairs, gives them shine and silkiness, fights with securable tips. Use a small amount of oil by distributing along the entire length using the ridge, cover the towel on top, leave on my head for several hours, if you wish - for the night, and wash in the morning. A few drops of oil can be applied to the hair after washing the head, so you will give them shine. But do not overdo it so that they do not seem fat.

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Refined oil is recommended to be used with dry skin, as it is characterized by a softening effect, it does not score pores, increases the elasticity of the cover, supports the moisture balance at the optimal level. In its pure form, it is also suitable for oily skin, as perfectly demonstrates the drying effect, but at the same time he regulates the process of salam production. In addition, oil has the most useful effect on fading and decrepitum, smoothes small wrinkles. Applying unrefined oil, you can forever forget about the peeling of the epidermis at a strong wind or in the winter season.

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Often coconut oil is used as a hand cream, because it contains nutrient elements in abundance. They also rub into nail records and cuticle, so the nails will be strong and will grow faster. At night, you can apply a means to the feet, resassing for minutes twenty and putting on top of warm socks - and skin, like a baby, you are guaranteed.

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Coconut oil is perfectly suitable as a tanning agent and visiting a solarium. So you can protect yourself from harmful UV radiation and prevent burns. In addition, you are guaranteed a beautiful smooth tan. After sunbathing, the oil cools the sensitive skin, as it is distinguished by anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. To apply oil on the face and the body is very simple, even if it froze: it is enough to hold the bottle in your hand or on a steam bath when it starts to melt.

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In addition, coconut oil is recommended for internal use. According to numerous studies in the field of science, present in the coconut, Laurin Acid helps maintain cholesterol at the norm level. When using oil inside, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced. Tools Plevels for people who suffer from heart and oncological diseases. Immunity and resistance to viral and infectious agers increases. Viruses lose the ability to adapt over time to antibiotics. The coconut oil does not accumulate as fat and is not postponed in the body, if you compare it with other natural oils. For internal use, look for coconut oil, on the packaging of which there is an inscription "You can use inside."

In addition, coconut oil is an excellent assistant in the treatment of wounds, eczema and dermatitis, because it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. And the pleasant smell of coconut helps to relax at the massage.

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