Ginger is a very useful nutritional supplement, the beneficial properties of which can be saved for a long time in it. This is its main difference from others. Currently, there are many technologies for the storage of ginger. In our article we will look at them.
How to choose the right ginger?
In the markets and in supermarkets you can easily buy ginger in any form. It happens fresh, pickled or dried. How the ginger is stored, of course he has an impact on its useful properties and in taste it is also different.
- For example, dried ginger is very sharp and before adding it to the dish, extract it.
- In pharmacies you can buy ginger oil, which is also very useful.
- The ginger of white and black color distinguish. His difference in how it was processed.
- Black ginger has a stronger smell and burning taste compared to white. But the white ginger root as a result of processing loses taste and useful substances.
- Buy always fresh ginger root, and then you can marine it or dry, or store fresh. But it is necessary to know the rules for its storage.
- Choose the elastic ginger root, it indicates the freshness of the root, inside it has a white and yellow color.
Ginger storage rules
Do not freeze the ginger, as it will lose the part of its useful properties. Fresh root, which is stored in the refrigerator, is suitable for use up to one week. If you go to extend the life of its shelf life, then use a special film in which you wrap the ginger, while drying it.
- You can maximize the shelf life of ginger, for this dry the root in the sun and wrap in parchment paper.
- It is best to store ginger in the basement, but if it is not, then choose a dark cool room. In this way you can store it approximately a month.
- There is another way that will allow for a long time to store ginger in the refrigerator. Pull and clear the root of ginger, fill it with boiled water, it will save all its useful properties.
Rules for the storage of dried and ground ginger root
Keep the gingerbread powder in the packaging, which is sealed, in the refrigerator or simply at room temperature. Observe these rules and ginger will store your useful properties up to 6 months.
Dried ginger root keep the same as ground. But before use, fill the root of a driver and let him stand around 8 hours so that it was not very sharp.
Marinated Ginger Storage Rules
Marinated ginger is stored for 3 months and make it very simple. Take the dishes from ceramics or glass, ginger ginger slices, they should be very thin. Prepare the marinade as follows, add salt and sugar to the rice vinegar, bring to a boil and fill it with her ginger. After the pickled ginger cool down, put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Do not use a metal saucepan! It should have dishes from ceramics or glass.
We hope that our article was very useful to you and you will keep ginger as much as possible, while retaining all its useful properties. Greet your loved ones and friends with delicious and healthy dishes, drinks from ginger. Especially useful to use ginger with the autumn-spring period, it is useful for immunity. Be healthy!