Like ceftriaxone to breed lidocaine

Like ceftriaxone to breed lidocaine

The drug Ceftriaxone belongs to the antibacterial drugs of the new generation. A wide spectrum antibiotic is effective against numerous infectious diseases. However, treatment with ceftriaxone has one significant drawback - intramuscular injections are so painful that it is almost impossible to transfer such “torture”. The problem was solved with the help of anesthetics, which to a certain extent reduce the strength of unpleasant sensations. Consider how to properly breed ceftriaxone lidocaine.

As ceftriaxone to dilute with lidocaine - features of intravenous and intramuscular administration of an antibiotic solution

Ceftriaxone is a powder substance in a glass bottle. To obtain a solution, the drug is mixed with water for injection. This liquid is administered intravenously in the hospital. Only a qualified nurse can perform such a procedure correctly, so at home it is better to refuse such a venture. At home, without the help of doctors, the drug can be administered intramuscularly, only in this case ceftriaxone is diluted with lidocaine 1 %, and not sterile water.

Lidocaine is a well -known analgesic. If you prepare a zeftriaxone solution with it, the process of spreading pain signals along the nerve fibers will be suppressed, which means that the condition at the time of the injection will be quite tolerant.

How Ceftriaxon to breed lidocaine - the procedure for action

To prepare a solution of the antibacterial drug using an anesthetic, perform the following steps:

  • To dissolve 1.0 g of Ceftriaxone, dial a 3.5 ml of a lidocaine solution 1% (3.5 ml \u003d 1 ampoule) in a 5-cubic syringe.
  • Bend the aluminum “tongue” in the middle of the lid on the bottle with graphics -powder.
  • Treat the rubber plug with cotton with alcohol.
  • Insert the syringe needle into the cork and slowly enter a solution of lidocaine into the bottle.
  • Shock the bottle with force that Ceftriaxone dissolves in Lidocaine without a trace.

Take into account that lidocaine 1% is not always in pharmacies. What to do if you could not buy an anesthetic of the necessary dosage? Then, for dilution of ceftriaxon, a 2% lidocaine solution is taken and sterile water for injection is added.

For breeding 1.0 g of ceftriaxone with a solution of two percent lidocaine, follow the instructions:

  • Take 1 lidocaine ampoule 2% and 1 water ampoule for injection, open them.
  • From an ampoule with lidocaine 2%, type in a syringe about 1.7 - 1.8 ml of substance, from an ampoule with water - exactly the same amount.
  • Now shake the syringe energetically, everything - you mixed a solution of lidocaine 1%. Enter the resulting product inside a bottle of a ceftriaxon powder.
  • To dilute 0.5 g of ceftriaxone, you will need to pre -mix 1 ml of lidocaine 2% and 1 ml of sterile water.

How to dilute ceftriaxone with lidocaine - a test for sensitivity to antibiotics and solvent

Ceftriaxone and lidocaine can cause severe allergies. To prevent such undesirable development of events, before making an injection, they conduct a special test that will show how the body will react to drugs. Make a couple of small scratches on the skin of the inner part of the forearm and apply a little ceftriaxone and lidocaine separately on them. There is no high sensitivity to drugs if the skin in the place of scratches will not turn red after 5 - 10 minutes.

How to breed Ceftriaxone with lidocaine - rules during treatment with ceftriaxone

  • Instead of lidocaine should not be used for breeding the antibiotic: an anesthetic reduces the activity of the antibacterial agent and can complicate the patient's condition up to anaphylactic shock.
  • It is impossible to mix ceftriaxone with other antibiotics - this is a provocation of a strong allergic reaction.
  • Divorced Ceftriaxone is prohibited from storing for more than 6 hours.
  • Ceftriaxone is bred by lidocaine only for intramuscular administration. For intravenous injection, the solution is prepared with sterile water.
  • The injection is made in the upper part of the gluteal muscle. The drug is administered slowly so as not to cause severe pain, from which even lidocaine will not save.
  • If after the injection there are any undesirable reactions (for example, convulsions or a rash on the skin), immediately consult a doctor.

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