What is copywriting

What is copywriting

Our life is actively included by the so-called neologisms (most often anglicizms) - words borrowed from foreign languages. That word is both "copywriting" - the concept is quite common now. What does it mean?

If at least once in life have been looking for a search for remote work, they probably faced ads on the search for a copywriter. The word "copywrit" comes from English "CopyWriting" - writing copies. This means that copywriting is to write texts based on existing written sources. In English-speaking sources, copywriting is the writing of advertising texts, in Russian-speaking this term consumes to write any texts.

In practice, there are several types of copywriting, which differ from each other degree of uniqueness of text presentation. So, for example rewriting - in essence, the presentation of the article or the news in your own words. Simple rewriting uses one source, complex - several.

SEO-copywriting or rewriting - writing texts that are adapted for search engine queries. When searching for answers, each Internet user asks a question through a popular search engine, which gives a certain number of suitable pages. From SEO-text requires such a compliance to request the author's page in the top of the first pages. To do this, the copywriter writes text using a certain number of so-called "keywords".

Press release - a compressed news message about news or a novelty, presented in such a way as to interest the maximum number of users. The author will need knowledge of the foundations of journalism, knowledge of the question, the ability to find and describe the advantages and interesting features of the site.

Author's text - articles written in full analysis of the problem, topics or events. Creating a copyright requires sufficient knowledge in the field of chosen theme, the presence of one's opinion, experience in such a region is desirable.

These are the main types of copywriting. If you decide to start working with a copywriter, get to know the theme more and do not be afraid to try your hand.

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