What is fake?

What is fake?

The younger generation is conducting the whole day on the Internet, know what a fake. But older people have never heard the word. From the fakes are not perfect either on the Internet or in daily life. A person may not realize that faced with false information or fake acquired.

What is the reason for creating a fake and fakie

The word "fake" from the English translates as "counterfeit", "fake". By this word we must understand that you are trying to present false information, trying to fool the scammers or people that it is profitable. Reasons for establishing fakie following:

  • political. The creator of false information by its "stuffing" in society wants to get a victory in the upcoming elections, to reduce the popularity of rival, to create for someone a bad image and to show what he is good;
  • economic. Creating a fake web resource pages in social networks, news based on financial benefits and brings the author of false information a good profit;
  • psychological. Author Faika wants to establish himself as a person and realize themselves in society;
  • fraudulent. The goal - to get the identity of the user or used phishing web pages to send spam and flooding;
  • Other. This desire to remain incognito on the internet, create a duplicate game accounts and the like.

What is fake online

On the Internet fakie used as follows:

  • false news. Tabloids print fabricated news in order to raise the rating of its publication and cause excitement around the article. Faika sign is too bright headline news;
  • Fake accounts in social networks. Pages are created on the non-existent name of the people. pages are often in the name of famous people - politicians, artists. The creators of the false content want to earn a famous person or harm to a real person;
  • Videos and photos taken with the help of special programs. They znchitelno reality changed, but a good installation can trick the user;
  • "Fake" sites. Fake sites resemble well-known resources in their design.

What is a fake in everyday life?

In everyday life, you are also not insured against fakes. These include fake branded things that are not for everyone for pocket. Therefore, things are forged under the famous brand, but they are cheaper. They bang the brand inscription, but this is not true. Fakes can be shoes, clothing, accessories, gaming consoles and other popular things that make profit by manufacturers. The fakes touched even food and medicine. The buyer sometimes buys margarine instead of oil, sausage without meat, vitamins instead of medication. And on TV, how many of us are offered fake news!

What is Fake - how to recognize it in social networks?

If you have seen promising advertising or read the unique news that it is difficult to distinguish from the truth is a fake. For example, on the Internet, users discussed photos of rare black lion. But the snapshot was the usual photoshop. If the account in the social network copies a well-known person, but no confirming sign on it is a fake. With other users, it is difficult to figure out, but you can.

Signs of a fake page in social networks:

  • Small number of photos or there are no. On fakes, images of semi-nailed beauties or pumped men are commonly used to attract a large number of users. But in the profile of shots little or there are no them. There may be different pictures. All photos are often downloaded in one day;
  • Little friends and subscribers. Fakes do not try to fill their page, and the number of friends are screwed down. Their pages are blocked, removed or information on them is not enough;
  • There are no video and audio records. They can not be in general.

Be vigilant on the Internet! Fakes may be harmless, but there are fraudulent techniques. The creators of the "lime" sites can put out money from you or become clients of spammers. Do not relax and check the truthfulness of any information received.

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