What can be made from the Cinder Capsules?

What can be made from the Cinder Capsules?

Have you accumulated a lot of containers from kinders? Do not hurry to throw them out! After all, you can make a huge number of useful things for home, souvenirs and children's crafts. Capsules often serve as the basis for needlework. In our article you will find simple master classes of making crafts from empty hand-made containers.

Handmade Massager Capsules

The homemade massager is perfectly suitable for both adults and children. It is very simple to do it. After 15 minutes of work, you will enjoy a beautiful massage.

What you need:

  • capsules - 10 pcs.;
  • leske;
  • awl;
  • elastic.

You can regulate the size of the homemade massager yourself. For it, just reduce or increase the number of containers, the main thing is that there are an even number.

  • 1 step - in each container exactly in the center on both sides, make holes;
  • 2 step - through the holes to the sale of the fishing line, connect the capsules (in two or three rows);
  • 3 step - you need to make 2 handles, for this take 2 capsules, stretch through the holes of the rubber band and secure their position (to make the second handle in the same way);
  • 4 step - also to increase the massage effect, you can put in containers of small weights (for example, chestnuts or marine peas).

Tip: In order for the capsule during massage, they did not reveal, the place of their compound is wrapped with scotch.

Cinder capsule will get rid of colds

In the cold season, parents are trying in every way to protect their children from a cold. One of the oldest and proven methods of prevention is garlic. But how to get the baby to use it in its pure form? The thing is the smell of garlic has a lot of useful substances, inhaling that you are creating a barrier to microbes. Just get some garlic and you get rid of a cold. How to do it? The capsule will help us with this!

What you need:

  • capsule - 1 pcs .;
  • awl;
  • lace;
  • children's stickers.

To create such a useful capsule, attract children, because they will be exactly nice to wear what they have done with their own hands.

  • 1 step - At the top of the container, make small holes (the more, the better);
  • 2 step - through two holes stretch the lace;
  • 3 Step - To attract the attention of the child, stick bright stickers on the capsule or decorate the markers.

In the finished container, place 2 cloves of garlic and wear a capsule on the neck.

Toy snake (caterpillar)

Such a toy will appreciate each mother and her child. After all, with the help of such a "development", you can not only play fun, but also study colors, develop fine motility.

What will take:

  • capsules - 7 pcs;
  • crochet threads - 7 different bright colors;
  • hook;
  • textile fastener (simple velcro);
  • eyes for small-size toys;
  • adhesive pistol.

In the master class, it is recommended to tie the capsules with the help of a hook, but if you do not know how to knit, it is enough to firmly bind the capsule with threads and fasten with glue.

  • 1 step - For each capsule, connect the case of different colors, to create a snake head, it is recommended to use two containers;
  • 2 step - on both sides exactly in the center, glue small mugs from the textile fastener;
  • 3 step - glue your eyes (also from colored paper or decorative wire language);
  • 4 step - connect the capsules with each other (due to the velcro they will be very easy to connect) and the snake is ready!

The child will independently choose a sequence of colored capsules. Also on this principle you can make a train with multi-colored cars.

Early child development with capsules

Capsules will help to develop a baby's fine motility and take a long time to take a job.

  • pour different cereals in the capsules in different volumes, they will create sounds and attract the attention of the baby (for children, the game is a guessing, which is in the container);
  • capsules serve as the basis (torso) for the modeling of animals from plasticine;
  • write on containers the letters, divide the capsules into two parts and give the child to collect them.

Do not forget that empty "eggs" serve as an excellent container for salt and pepper, storage of lenses, small nails, etc.

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