What can be crochet?

What can be crochet?

Crochet is a very popular hobby that attracts a huge number of beginners daily to its side. But what can be crochet? Except for banal napkins? In fact, a list of products that can be crocheted incredibly huge. Consider several popular areas.

Crochet napkins and jewelry

Crochet you can crochet unique objects that will become a real decoration of the interior of your apartment or at home. It can be completely different products:

  • Napkins.
  • Decorative pillows.
  • Cover.
  • Tablecloths.
  • Decorative sets.

You can perform them using a variety of techniques and drawings, for this a large selection of schemes is proposed. The color scheme can also be applied wide. There are absolutely no restrictions here. You can play in contrast or carefully enter the jewelry in the colors of the room.

Crochet toys

Recently, toys made by crochet have become very popular. They can be completely different, from animals to dolls. Crochet toys are very cute, beautiful and at home warm. They are knitted both in order for children to play, and to decorate the interiors.

Mobiles from small toys associated with crochet, developing toys, rustled, brackets, books for the smallest are also very popular. There are a great many options.

Crochet rugs

Amazing rugs made using a hook are a very interesting solution to decorate the floor in the house. Crochet rugs are a rather ancient tradition. In order to connect such a rug, you can use both special threads and completely any fabrics torn into thin strips. The rugs are original, unusual and original. They can be made colorful and bright, or take pastel colors for work. But in any case, it will turn out incredibly beautifully.

Socks, booties, mittens, gloves, slippers crocheted

  • What could be sweeter than tiny boots with love connected by a craftswoman for a newborn baby? These are miniature works of art, beautiful and delicate, they are very convenient in wear and beautiful at the same time.
  • It is usually customary to knit socks on the knitting needles, but more recently, a fashionable trend has appeared to knit socks crocheted. They are incredibly airy, openwork, voluminous and look much more attractive than ordinary socks.
  • Crochet mittens and gloves are a rather laborious process, but the result is worth it. You can bind them both protect against cold and openwork ballroom masterpieces.
  • Crochet slippers are a very beautiful and practical subject of shoes. It is perfect as a version of home shoes.

Crochet clothes

Here the fantasy of the craftswomen is simply inexhaustible. Believe me, you can crochet any piece of clothing, starting from the bra, and ending with the coat.

Dresses, jumper, cardigans, skirts, vests, trousers, children's suits and dresses - the range is limited only by the imagination of the needlewoman.

Crochet swimwear

Preparing for the beach season is not easy. You can put your figure in order, take care of a summer wardrobe, an important component of which is a swimsuit. It may not be easy to connect a unique beach kit for bathing. But in the end, something unique, a swimsuit that no one has. Going to the beach in such a swimsuit, you will certainly attract your views.

Crochet key fobs and other jewelry

Lovely trinkets, glasses for glasses, key rings, wallets, handbags - this is also not a problem for a needlewoman, which owns a crochet technique. These trifles are a great gift-souvenir that will make an incredible impression on the recipient. They are incredibly attractive, beautiful, sweet. And completed with the soul.

Crochet hats

Openwork summer hats and panamas are a true work of art. They are perfect for both adults and children and are completely indispensable in hot sultry weather. In such hats it will never be hot and they perfectly protect their heads from overheating.

You can also crochet no less beautiful winter and demi -season hats that will warm and delight with their originality.

Crochet puppet clothes

Dolls - favorite toys for girls. And the most interesting game of dolls is dressing. But usually dolls are sold without a spare set of clothes. Of course, a puppet wardrobe can be purchased at a toy store. But basically, such clothes are quite monotonous. Beautiful dresses and other attributes for dolls can be crocheted and please the baby.

Crochet needles

For needlewomen, the needle is an indispensable attribute of their work. The loss of a needle is a mini-tragedy, as it is usually spent a lot of effort to search for it. But if at hand there are an original needle made by crochet, then the games will always be tidied and never accidentally fall to the floor.

Hot Crochet stands

Coats for mugs, hot and cold is a great way to decorate the table for tea drinking and any gatherings with soft drinks. Your table, especially if it is made of glass or polished material, will always be in order. And the feast, even the most insignificant, will be like a holiday, thanks to bright stands.

Crochet clothing jewelry

Beautiful openwork collars, cuffs, brooches and necklaces made by hook will give any clothes an elegant and festive look. Any everyday dress thanks to crochet accessories will immediately turn into an evening dress or outfit for exit.

Of course, this is not the entire list of products that can be performed using a hook. But any crochet product looks interesting, noble and unusual. Therefore, try, learn and please yourself and those around you with your works.

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