What to do NTLDR Is Missing

What to do NTLDR Is Missing

If the "NTLDR IS Missing" notification appears on the computer screen, this indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the device. Most likely, access to the loading files "ntdetect.com" and / or "NTLDR", and the usual system load cannot be implemented.

Among the main reasons that lead to the appearance of this error can be allocated:

  • "NtDetect.com" files, "NTLDR" are deleted by the user or lost due to the software failure (try without fail to enter the system folder);
  • on the computer simultaneously installed several operating systems, such as Windows NT and Windows XP (the bootloader simply cannot understand which files should be used during the download process);
  • the NTFS section has a huge number of files (and if you simply delete, the problem will not be solved);
  • there was a change of active partition (Windows is located in the active section; when a shift is shown, disconnecting, connecting the disk where the OS is located, the load cannot flow as usual; it is impossible to change the active section);
  • there is a hard disk operation failure, BIOS is outdated, a hard or external disk is connected to another operating system (i.e., there are hardware failures). Periodically, the maintenance of the hard disk should be carried out, and the system files must be stored on a new disk, because the likelihood of the failure of the old is large enough.

1 Sam

Getting Started to troubleshoot the problem, the most first step you must create backup copies of files that contain important information. Then try to replace the "ntdetect.com" files, "NTLDR" on your computer, because it is the absence of access to them and caused the impossibility to make the download. Put the installation disk. When the "Install Windows" phrase appears on the computer screen, press the "R" key on the keyboard. In the console appeared, select the section where you want to save the files, and write the FixBoot command.

2 Sama

The "Microsoft" service you can download the "BCUPDATE2" utility. Install it on your computer, then create a boot diskette, load OS from it. In the command prompt, specify the command "bcupdate2.exe C: / F" (in this case, C: is a boot section). Run, confirm your consent to connect the specified program (click "Y"). If everything went successfully, reboot.

3 Sam

In addition, you can connect the hard disk on which there is a working Windows XP operating system (serve Windows 2003 Server). Using the "Disk Management" tool, check the correctness of the creation of sections, specify the first one as the main partition. Now in this section, copy from the working OS files "ntldr". All, you can run a computer from your own hard disk. Download must pass without specifying errors.

4 Sama

You can use a temporary extension by contacting a Windows flash drive or your boot disk. From the I386 installation disk folder, throw off the necessary files ("ntdetect.com", "NTLDR") in the root section of the disk from the OS.


If the selection of the user's user has occurred, you can use the "drive control" in the OS itself or apply external programs, utilities.

If you can't solve the problem yourself, do not torment yourself and equipment. Take the computer to the service center. The specialist will make everything necessary for him to work again as a new one.

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