What does nvidia do?

What does nvidia do?

For each device, special programs are needed in the computer. One of these programs is NVIDIA.

First of all, NVIDIA acts as a video card driver providing a computer video interface. From it depend on the image settings and its quality.


The NVIDIA video card drivers are recorded on a disk included in the card itself. Here, as a rule, there are other programs to ensure your convenience when watching a video. For example, with one of them, you can run on a movie computer, withdraw it to the TV screen, and on the computer itself, say, communicate on social networks or work at the same time.


The NVIDIA driver regularly goes updates, you can download them on the official website NVIDIA. But first you need to make sure that you have a GeForce video card (from NVIDIA), not Radeon (from AMD).


To find out the view of the video card and its release, click "Start" and in the "Find Programs and Files" field dial "dxdiag". Open the program found.


Activate the "Display" tab. In the "Device" block, pay attention to the "Name" and "type" field, and on the right in the "Drivers" block you are interested in the "version" and "date".


Now on the site, select the field values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to your video card and click the "Search" button. The system will issue topical drivers. Pay attention to the "WHQL" mark in the driver version, this means that the release is certified, the rest may fail and work unstable.


For lovers of good graphics and high-quality video NVIDIA plays a primary role, update the video card drivers in a timely manner and use new interesting developments from NVIDIA.

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