Paint chamber do it yourself

Paint chamber do it yourself

When organizing its business on painting cars, a paint chamber is needed. It is possible to purchase it a Chinese version that is not characterized by the quality of execution. But you can make it with your own hands, focusing on your financial opportunities. Under the paint chamber you can convert your garage. It is not as difficult as it seems. But the question arises where to start? Consider the entire algorithm of action.

Alteration of the ceiling, floor, gates and windows under the paint chamber

  • The ceiling of the garage is rounded, in order to avoid the accumulation of dust. You can mount the lamps at an angle. It is still necessary to consider that the ventilation system will be located in the ceiling. If the height of the ceiling does not allow it to be installed, it is necessary to provide for the roof.
  • The floor should also be ventilation for removal of the exhaust air, in the form of holes. It is assembled in trenches, dug in the floor of a garage depth to one meter. They are stacked by a pipe that goes outside. It happens that it is impossible to proceed the trenches, in this situation it is necessary to raise the floor to a height of 15 cm. Then the flooring is made and the final floor finish.
  • The gates must be well insulated, for this mineral wool, foam. Shakes to compact with silicone. The windows also need good insulation. There should be no cracks. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, there will be large heat loss.


Installation of lighting, ventilation, air filtration systems in the paint chamber

  • Lighting should be very good. The best option will be placed on the ceiling of luminescent lamps in two rows. The flow of light should be 1000 lux, for this you need about 24 lamps. It is also necessary to provide a portable light for painting lower parts.
  • Ventilation system is important for painting chamber. After all, it guarantees not only the security of the employee, but also the quality of painting. To this end, single-engine ventilation can successfully cope. The principle of its work is based on the discharge of fresh air to the room through the ceiling filters. In this case, the particles of paintwork products are settled on the floor, where they are outward through the air duct. But there is a disadvantage, it is strong pollution. To avoid this, you can use the system with two motors. The second motor is designed for distillation of exhaust air through filters on the street.
  • Filters are a special material in the form of a roll. It should not save to exclude trouble. For a single-engine ventilation system, the filters are installed on the ceiling. For a two-door system, an installation of a filter material under flooring or in the air duct system is provided. It is also necessary to replace the filter material on time.


Heating and drying system in a paint chamber

For the heating of the camera, you can use electrical appliances. But to dry out the freshly stacked body of this is not enough. Therefore, for drying it is advisable to use special infrared lamps with a number of benefits:

  • small electricity consumption;
  • good speed and quality of drying coating;
  • application for drying spike and primed parts.


Painting Camera Interior Finishing Materials

The optimal option is smooth painted walls. It is best to paint them in white, which will ensure excellent color reproduction. And simplifies the process of painting the car. The optimal option is smooth painted walls. It is best to paint them in white, which will ensure excellent color reproduction and simplifies the process of painting the car.


When complying with the Soviets, you quickly build a paint chamber. Do not save on the filtering system and finishing materials. They must comply with security standards. Adhering to the data of the Soviets, you can engage in a painting car long and fruitful.

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