The benefits of maternal milk for crumbs is indisputable. At the same time, all the products, drinks, drugs and other compounds falling into a female body in one or another quantity through the milk and the child falls. Regarding the unequivocal harmful products, there are no questions - their use of at least for the period of feeding should be eliminated. But what about your favorite coffee?
Coffee and breastfeeding - Possible risks
Around the permissibility of coffee consumption by women during lactation was a lot of disputes. What are the main risks of inclusion in the diet of this fragrant drink? The most dangerous "enemy" is caffeine.
- It is he who provides the invigorating effect of the drink, which in turn partly transmitted and crumb. As a result, it is possible to appear unreasonable concern, sleep disorders.
- This component is practically not absorbed in infancy, but accumulates in the organism of the crumbs. As a consequence, the development of allergic reactions, problems with the chair (constipation) is possible.
- Finding into the body, caffeine leads to a decrease in the content of iron in maternal milk, which can be one of the factors of the development of anemia in the kid.
- Especially attentive women taking drugs with the inclusion of caffeine should be especially attentive. In this case, to obtain an overdose of this alkaloid increases at times.
Coffee and breastfeeding - Rules of safe consumption
Despite the listed risks, coffee contains quite a few and useful elements, including: amino acids, B1, B2 and PP vitamins, tannins and coffee oil, organic acids. If there is no possibility or desire to completely abandon the coffee, follow a few simple rules that will help maximize the risks of the emergence of the negative consequences of coffee consumption.
- Exclude soluble (granulated, sublimated) coffee, as the caffeine content in it is maximum. This is due to the raw material (cheap Robust variety) used to produce the product. In addition, there are often additional impurities and additives in such coffee. It is best to give preference to a grain drink that you yourself and prepare.
- To reduce the concentration of caffeine ground grains, it is recommended not to brew, but to pour steep boiling water and give it. An additional security factor will be adding milk to coffee drink (in a ratio of 1 part of coffee for 2 parts of milk).
- The minimum consumption of the drink (once or a few days) will not cause any harm to your body and young karapecu.
- Choosing coffee consumption time, it is better to stay on the morning clock. Although the woman is better to listen to himself. Another factor is important - drinking coffee should be immediately after feeding. As a result, the content of caffeine content in milk will be smaller.
- Minimize the consumption of other caffeine products (for example, chocolate and cocoa).
- Sat the diet with products rich in calcium. These include cottage cheese, kefir, cream, milk, cheese.
- A diuretic property of caffeine can lead to dehydration. To avoid such trouble, drink enough (minimum 1 extra cup) clean water.
Coffee and breastfeeding - Safe alternative
Fans of coffee can consider not only a tasty, but also a useful alternative as chicory. The drink has a taste and aroma with coffee and at the same time completely does not contain caffeine. Moreover, the product is rich in vitamins of the group B, contains iron, mineral salts, organic acids, carotene and pectin. Drink has a beneficial effect on the digestion system, improves metabolism. Before use of chicory, see contraindications, because Even in such a useful drink they are available.
I personally calmly on the GW, on the number of milk and child it did not affect. Although there is an individual question, especially vigilant can consult a pediatrician on this issue. I was only worried about the question with not good lactation, advised to drink Evalir Bio Lactoma tea. Milk volume really increased, the child finally began to ride.