How to conceive twins

How to conceive twins

Unfortunately, to become parents of twins, one desire is not enough, it is not so easy to achieve the desired result. However, in our time, twins are born much more often than before. This is due to the presence of different factors that contribute to the simultaneous ripening of two eggs.

How to conceive twins are factors that affect

  • Mom's ethnicity. Africans do not puzzle at all how to conceive twins, because African women give birth to several children more often. Asian, on the contrary, women give this nationality more often than one child.
  • The chances of the appearance of twins are growing with each subsequent pregnancy.
  • The possibility of conception of twins increases pregnancy in women breastfeeding.
  • The body of women over 30 years most often provokes the ripening of several follicles that increase the likelihood of conception.
  • According to statistics, a woman with excess weight is often born twins.
  • Women who have already had multiple pregnancies in the family have the greatest chance to take twins.

What to do to conceive twins?

  • Consult with your doctor, perhaps he will give you some useful tips. You need to prepare for such a conversation in advance-bring your and your partner medical cards, find out in advance whether relatives on both sides had any serious diseases, also find out if your great-grandmother or great-great-grandmother had multiple pregnancy. It doesn’t matter whether both the child was born, in this case, the chances of the birth of twins will still increase.
  • Also, some doctors teach their patients in tables or ovulation, how to achieve the desired result. Although, to be honest, such methods are very doubtful, if everything were so simple, then everyone who wants to give birth to twins would have given birth to them for a long time, and we would not have a demographic crisis. An attempt is not torture, but you do not need to have strong hopes, set yourself up for a positive result, but be prepared for the fact that nothing can work out.
  • There are more encouraging methods that the doctor can offer. The first method is the use of drugs containing follicle -stimulating hormone, the effect of which can affect the simultaneous ripening of two eggs. Also, after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, two ovaries are launched at once, this increases the opportunity to get pregnant with twins. It is worth mentioning not the cheapest, but very effective way - artificial fertilization, in which case two eggs are planted by a woman. Of course, this method does not give 100% guarantees, but still the chances are very great.
  • Take folic acid, you need to do this daily. Add dairy products to your diet. Stop taking alcoholic beverages, although they are not related to whether twins will be born or not, what is the point of fighting for them if you do not matter their health. Among the products are also advised to take iams, chicken eggs, walnuts and whole grain.
  • The climate can also affect the conception of twins - the ovaries can activate prolonged daylight hours, sunny activity and high humidity. To increase the chances, plan a monthly vacation to a place that will be suitable for the requirements and you like it.

Giving birth to twins is the dream of many, but it is not so simple and easy to fulfill. Someone gives birth to them suddenly, someone has to wait for this happiness for years. If you have only one child instead of twins, do not be upset, love him for two. However, your chance will increase and, perhaps, next time you will be more lucky, and in the first UZD you will hear: “Congratulations, you have twins!”.

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