How to choose wood

How to choose wood

During the construction of wooden houses, the manufacture of furniture with their own hands, various crafts arises quite a logical question - how to choose the right wood, so that it performs a qualitatively performed task entrusted to it. Therefore, before deciding on the breed and characteristics of wood, you should familiarize yourself with some of its features.

Thinking about the sawn timber, coniferous rocks immediately come to mind. Larch, spruce and pine are used to build frames, rafting systems, overlap. Popularity is explained by their advantages, namely widespread - from the equator to the north, the abundance of coniferous forests, the rapid growth of trees, availability in terms of price, high strength, low exposure to insect attacks and rotting. The most popular building material is Pine - Siberian or Karelian, which is used in the construction of 80% of wooden houses. The fir applies less frequently, since it is inherent in the poor resistance of moisture, which promises the posting, as well as many bitch. Larch is superior to the above-described material, but its high strength leads to complication of processing and respectively prices. Her amazing property is to be brought in the water.


Solid deciduous rocks are less common. But they possess the highest properties, compared with coniferous. Brokes made of birch are used as handles for tools and serve as excellent soft furniture. The oak is inherent in a large density and hardness, thereby applied in industry, as well as in the manufacture of exclusive furniture.


Among the soft hardware are popular with alder, aspen, linden. Suitable such material for wood thread. It is also used when creating a panel. Lipa goes to the manufacture of sections of fences, when finishing a bath and saunas - is used in the form of a lining. Small distribution and weak properties explain the fact that soft rocks did not find mass use in construction.

Value breeds include exotic varieties that have an original appearance, texture and a high price. Rates are explained by transport costs or rarity. In addition, such materials are inherent in high properties: bending strength, durability, density. Balza is used to create elite furniture and artistic products, goes to souvenirs, as well as floats, rescue vests, made from it rackets for tennis and surfboards, since it is inherent exceptional ease. Merbau wood is inherent in great abrasion resistance, which made it possible to use it in the manufacture of flooring without additional processing (parquet, chalkboard for terraces), doors and accessories.

When choosing, pay attention to the tree characteristics:

  • Hardness. From this indicator, the durability of the material is dependent, as well as how wood will take nails and glue. The solid tree is more durable, but in this case there is a risk of cracking. Soft is characterized by less wear-resistance, but perfectly accepts nails. 4 types are isolated: soft - pine, spruce; Average solid - nut, black pine, larch, pear; solid - oak, tees, ash; Very firm - beech.
  • Wear resistance. It affects the service time of the product made of it. If you choose wood for the construction of stairs, which are subject to constant mechanical effect, it is better to give preference to solid rocks, soft varieties are not suitable.
  • Exposure to rotting. Pay attention to this indicator if you choose the material to use outdoors. It is also important when looking for wood for premises, where heighted humidity is observed. Suitable are oak and larch. Buy only properly dried wood, bypassing a non-seamless or risen.
  • Appearance. In addition, the wood should be as few knots as possible, as they make material fragile, and radial cracks (if there is, they should not go with layers). If there are many bitch on the tree, it can only be applied for invisible parts. Tightly arranged annual rings talk about the high strength of the material. If they go in parallel, you can safely use the material in the manufacture of furniture, otherwise it is capable of breaching harder and coated with cracks.
  • Color. In this case, you should navigate your taste and features of the interior design. Consider that it is possible to tinted wood using special varnishes. But it is better to immediately choose the material of the right color. When choosing several breeds for one product, remember that their texture and color should be similar.
  • Age. It is best to use an old and not a young tree: age for pine is 80-90 years old, for oak - from 80 to 150 years, for ash and birch - from 60 to 70 years, for alder - no more than 60 years old, for ate - Not less than 120 years. Spinned autumn trees flexible winter.
  • Price. The cost of wood affects the price of the finished product or design. It will cost you solid, wear-resistant breeds. But you can choose the optimal material if you bet on a combination of different types of wood.

After reviewing our recommendations, you will be able to choose wood for your purposes without much difficulty, whether it is your own furniture hands or erecting a wooden house.

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