How to put metal tile

How to put metal tile

The roof construction begins with the arrangement of the rafter system, and the final chord will be the laying of the roof, and the metal tile is one of the most popular materials. Its exquisite appearance, excellent performance properties, strength and durability allow you to provide comfort in the house and give it a complete aesthetic appearance.

First of all, you should buy a good quality metal tile made by a professional company. It is also necessary to take care of the instrument for the installation of the roof. You will need a screwdriver or drill, ordinary and rubber hammer, roulette, level, brush and, of course, a tool for cutting sheets of metal tiles.

When calculating the number of sheets, metal tiles should be drawn the roof circuit on the paper on the scale (each of the rods separately), the sheets of metal tiles on it, given the fact that they are attached to the mustache (in width - 60-80 mm, in length - 100-130 mm) . The size of the sheets of metal tile is different from different manufacturers, but in width it is, as a rule, 1,16-1.19 m, and the length is from 0.5 to 6 meters. Each customer, measuring the length of the skate and adding 40 cm on the ledge over the edge of the eaves, can determine how many sheets it needs.

Metal tile.

Before mounting the tiles, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing to protect the insulation and the attic from atmospheric influences. The waterproofing is placed on the burden (at least 10 cm) from the cornice to the skate, following the coating joints were under the counterbalax. It is important that the waterproofing does not touch the insulation. If waterproofing with high steam-resistant waterproofing is used, then the clearance does not need to be left, which saves on an additional crate.

For mounting, the metal tile is based on the wooden boards on top of the waterproofing, a dory is installed, which is a vertical strip size of 2x2.5 cm, with a step of 60 cm. After that, the horizontal crate of 3,5x5 cm steps is performed in 35 cm increments.

The sheets of metal tiles from the left lower corner begin to mount, especially carefully consider the first sheet fastening. Following the edges of the sheets of metal tiles protrudes over the edge of a 40 cm eaves, they are fixed to the crate with special self-draws (0.5x3.5 cm), screwing into the wave and laying the sealing washers into the deflection. In the places of the admission of the Self-samples should be fixed under the transverse pattern through the wave. Walking on the metal tile is needed very carefully, in a soft shoe, stepping into the deflection of the waves in those places where there is a doom. The inner joints of the roof are closed with racks for a suspension or endandments of the endand, by mounting their brass (15 cm). Also fasten with screws and end (wind) bar, at the very end mounted the skate bar, securing the sealing tape under it.

Installation of metal tile - not easy and responsible process. If you fulfill all the steps correctly, your roof will not flow for many years, and the house is pleased with your attractive view.

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