If the laptop was used carefully and carefully, the factory marriage or a random breakdown did not cry into his components, often the battery comes out. This is a very unpleasant problem, as the most important advantage of the device is lost - his mobility. Therefore, below we will see how to extend the life of the battery, and find out whether it is possible to restore it.
Anyway, the laptop battery will overreve the charge with time, this is the principle of its work. But the user can maximize the battery life as follows:
do not hold the battery for a long time discharged or charged half; better if it recaptures completely;
connect the power when the charge indicator dropped below 40%;
observe the temperature regime - ideally not lower than 5 and ahead of 25 degrees of heat;
do not overheat the battery - if necessary, use the cooling stand.
If you can work with connecting to the power grid - and do it. Each battery has a certain number of charging cycles, after which it will be replaced. What does it not matter whether the battery is discharged to the end or half. Therefore, a decrease in the number of cycles will extend the battery life. Conventional Li-Ion batteries are designed for about 300 cycles and may require replacement after a year, but there are more pleasant alternatives. So, MacBooks and some other Apple technique moved on Li-Pol batteries with 1000 cycles and a much longer service life.
Contrary to the problem of the opinion, a part of the former performance can be returned, with even without the slightest knowledge of physics or electronics. First you should find the model of your laptop on the company's official website, and then download the instructions from the box and read it. Make it should be because some manufacturers create a special software to restore the battery and even advise from time to time to run the recalibration process. Bright example - laptops of the Fujitsu amilo series.
If you are not lucky, you can take a soldering iron and experiment. But first, the battery needs to be released from the housing, carefully cutting it at the place of the gluing. Before that it is very desirable that it be completely discharged. Next, we need a 21 watt car light with two wires connected to it and a multimeter. We consider the number of elements in the battery, multiply by 3.7 (for Li-Ion) and get the rated voltage.
We solder the design with the lamp to the extreme outputs of the batteries. Multimeter measuring voltage. If the result is higher than the nominal, but the laptop does not work from the battery - the battery controller is required. If the voltage below, it will be necessary to measure it separately on each element, marking those where values \u200b\u200bwill be devouted below 3.2. After each "compartment" we attach additional light bulbs and leave until complete discharge. We try to charge a laptop from the network. If the battery does not charge, it may be necessary to "raise the voltage" by connecting the standard charging to the battery elements across the light bulb at 5 W.
Currently, the laptop battery is a consumable material that is easier to buy in any store and replace without difficulty on the same day. Each year, prices are falling on them, so it is necessary to resort to independent repair only in the presence of special knowledge, the mass of free time and passion to experiments.