How to cool laptop

How to cool laptop

The performance and performance of the laptop directly depends on the temperature at which its processor, video card and hard disk functions. Overheating of the vehicle leads to the rapid wear and reduction of operation time. So how to cool the laptop to improve its working condition and extend the maximum time interval of using it?

Do not put a laptop on darous soft surfaces (sofa, armrest chair, pillow, carpet). The blades of the cooling system through the ventilation holes will suck dust and pile, which, settled on them, will contribute to the exceedment of the possible operating temperature of the entire mechanism. Place the laptop only on a flat smooth surface, purchase a special cooling table or a ventilation coolant capable of lowering the air temperature to 15 degrees.

In order to exclude the overheating of the laptop, systematically clean it (especially cooling coasters and coolers) from the accumulated dust. It is possible to do this with the help of a conventional vacuum cleaner or sprayed aircraft.

Check the battery power settings. With incorrectly installed indicators, saving battery charge, you can overheat all the components of the laptop.

Conduct a wet cleaning of the room in which your PDA is located. This preventive event will help reduce the amount of dust in space.

Provide sufficient air circulation and ventilation near the device. Exclude direct sunlight on a laptop, try to make it in the room Nezarko (check, turn on the air conditioner, fan).

Take the rule to always turn off the laptop if you do not use them. In sleep mode, the technique continues to operate and maintain a certain temperature.

The reason may be in a dry thermal paste, which regulates the exchange process between cooler elements and laptop devices, which is reflected in the work of the CPU (CPU) and the video adapter. To replace the old thermal paste to replace the back cover of the laptop and remove the battery. Removing the video card and clearing the radiator and chip from the thermal paste, apply a new one.

If all these tips helped you cope with the overheating of the laptop, seek help in a specialized service center, perhaps your problem is more serious and wears technical (for example, the cooling system breakdown) or hardware - help you can only there.

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