How to restore iPad.

How to restore iPad.

In the functioning of the iOS system on iPad devices sometimes occur. If this happened - do not rush to panic, you can restore the work of the tablet and troubleshoot the software with the iTunes program.

When recovering some users, an error message appears on the iPad monitor. In all likelihood, the computer could not connect to the server or the old software was installed on it. To prevent such an oversight, download and install the latest iTunes, Mac OS X or Windows. Check out new security software. Disable all unnecessary devices and restart the computer and tablet. Only then proceed to the recovery procedure.

Remember that the iPad recovery procedure will destroy all files on the tablet, so save the backup. To do this, run the iTunes program on your computer and connect the iPad to it through the USB cable. The iTunes window will show the connected device. Candle on its right mouse button and in the context menu, select "Create a copy". The program will start the backup procedure. It may take a long time, so transfer files with a large size to the computer in advance.

Now you can go to the iPad recovery procedure. Connect the tablet to the computer using a USB cable. Now you need to translate the tablet to the recovery mode - press the iPad button in the center and the Home button to turn it on. Hold them at the same time. When the monitor is walked, release the power button, and keep the central kept. On the iTunes screen you will see a message about the recovery procedure. Click on the Restore option. The latest version of the operating system will automatically boots for your tablet.

When it fully jumps, a strip is displayed on the device monitor, which denotes the recovery process. You will learn about his end in the iTunes window. Your iPad will turn on, and you will see the restored version. On the welcome screen, the message "Set up" will be displayed. You can follow the prompts of the familiar Assistant IOS to re-configure the tablet or simply restore it from the saved backup.

To transfer saved data, turn on iTunes again and connect the iPad to your computer. Open the "Overview" option in the program and select "Restore iPad". You will see a window in which you can restore saved files. If your tablet has a new version of the operating system and you have not restored it before, select "Restore and Refresh". When the recovery process of saved data is completed, the iPad will reboot.

Some users complain that the iPad freezes when you turn on or reboots. If the recovery procedure does not help, then the problem is a malfunction of any of the details. In this case, you should contact the Apple service center so that the specialists do the diagnostics and find out what exactly is the fault. Most likely you will tell you that you need to replace the processor or the battery.

If the IPAD failure occurred due to the fall or moisture falling, it means that one of the details were accurately damaged and the recovery procedure would not help you. Prefer the tablet to the nearest Apple service center.

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