How to buy iPad.

How to buy iPad.

Before you buy an iPad, it is better to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of different versions of the computer from Apple, then select the device that fully appropriates your own requirements and preferences. After analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each iPad version, stop at the model optimal for you. Why spend extra money on a "trimmed" tablet if the purpose of its use is quite simple.

Apple's popularity is growing rapidly. There are already 5 species of tablets on the market. To choose among them the novice user is very difficult. Decide for the purpose of buying to find out which device is more suitable for it. The very first version of the iPad although somewhat outdated, but in its characteristics and performance indicators is quite acceptable. If the buyer is constrained in the means, it is worth buying this device, but it should be borne in mind: it works slowly, slightly "slows down" when reading video from the disk and run powerful applications. Characteristics in the Yandex Store.

Next, the second version of the iPad is very effective. It already has an integrated photo and video camera built into the front and rear panel. The hull itself has become noticeably thinner - the ipad "lost weight" is almost 5 mm, its weight became easier. Due to the presence of a processor with a capacity of 1000 MHz, RAM in 0.5 GB, a darkened video processor, it no longer "slows down" when playing HD video and games. This ipad supports the work of 3G networks, then you can arrange a video conference and communicate with friends. The cost is almost the same as the first version of the iPad. Characteristics in the Yandex Store.

The third version of the tablet has a significant difference from the first two - the bright Retina touchscreen. This is a very high-quality monitor standing for your money. Its permission increased twice - 264 pixels per 1 inch. Apad, as before, works 10 hours without recharging, because the developers significantly increased the battery power so that the bright screen glow does not reduce the operation time of the device. Excellent touchscreen display, work with 4G network, the best price-quality ratio is its advantages sufficient for many years. Characteristics in the Yandex Store.

The following iPad versions do not have such global differences as the third. Mainly increases the RAM and the power of the processor. The fourth model - for users buying everything only the most "cool". Such performance is needed only for the newest computer games, everything else has enough of the version 3. In the practical sense, the third version is the most relevant and sufficient. Characteristics in the Yandex Store.

The fifth version of the iPad mini is convenient because it can be calmly kept with one hand. Otherwise, according to its technical characteristics, it does not have significant differences. They are such as version 2, without a remarkable Retina screen, but does not "slow down", it is cheaper. This version is interesting to those who prefer mobility. The fifth version of the iPad tablet is rather an experiment that can please, and maybe not. Characteristics in the Yandex Store.

Please note if the name of the model is the letter "LL", it means that the tablet is not assembled in Europe, but in China for Europe. The plug will not suit Russian sockets, even "European". We still have to buy an adapter. Download the software on the Internet, it is not included - only the charger and cable. Take advantage of this program iTunes. for iPhone phone.

Buying an iPad tablet is a responsible choice. Do not make mistakes, buying it in the market, and not dealers. On official sale, you will save several hundred rubles and accurately get a normal guarantee. The newest gadgets will definitely appear in the stores officially, maybe a little later, but there will be a choice. As a rule, there are only the most expensive models in the markets - 64 GB.

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