How to call from tablet

How to call from tablet

The relative novelty is the ability to call from the tablet - you are interested in many people. The phone, of course, is comfortable, but why not use what manufacturers offer, and do not call from the tablet? But not everyone knows how to do it, and how to choose a tablet to make it possible to call without problems.

By purchasing a tablet, see if there is a special feature of Cellular (translated from English. Means "cellular"). Just it allows you to call from the tablet, use the mobile Internet from cellular operators. Naturally, the device with an additional feature is expensive. Find such a tablet will not be difficult, they are popular and widely represented at the points of sale.


The packaging should be a mark, for example, "Cellular + 3G" (4G). This indicates the capabilities of the tablet to work as a mobile device. If there is only an inscription "+ 3G", without "Cellular", then the device is not provided for making calls (will only work on the Internet). Call from the tablet is very simple. You should insert a mobile operator card to a special connector and adhere to the principles of the mobile phone. Type the call function, enter the desired number and call.


View a list of devices that support GSM, you can Yandex Market. If you already have a tablet, enter its name at the top in the search box and see the characteristics. Among others, "work in cell phone mode" should be specified.

3 Sam

Calling programs are usually installed in the default tablet. If not - the tablet can be reflashing either download the "dialer" from the Internet. For example, the program will fit Exdialer..

4 Sama

If the tablet does not have the "Cellular" function, it does not have a GSM communication module. Nevertheless, you can call it if you make a little effort and spend time on preparatory work. For example, you can download the program from the Internet " Skype." It allows you to call mobile, home phone. Only the cost of the call will be slightly more expensive compared to conventional mobile operators (tariffs can be viewed on official websitecompanies). Initially, you need to replenish the account in the program, and then you can call any country. Naturally, access to the Internet (for this, the tablet should be able to connect to Wi-Fi). The operating system of the tablet (iOS, Android) does not affect the characteristics of the call.

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Also convenient is the program " Fring" This is a less popular skype analogue, which also allows video calls.

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Another interesting option is the program " Roamer." It does not have a roaming fee, tariffs are quite acceptable. You can download the program in the application " Google Play.».

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Of course, it is more convenient to purchase a tablet with the "Cellular" function and call from the device without unnecessary wroks, using the usual mobile operator card. But in the absence of this function, you should not be upset, you can always use special programs for calls.

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