How to stick a film on the tablet

How to stick a film on the tablet

Even if the tablet is very careful with the tablet, in a month, another will appear small scratches. Protective film is an important accessory that protects the device from mechanical damage. On the new tablet, there must be a film that is subsequently necessary to replace.

Many do not turn out to gently stick the film on the device. In most cases, air bubbles are formed there, and then dust fall. As a result of multiple unsuccessful attempts, the purchased film turns into shreds. If you comply with some rules, you will be able to avoid such defects. If possible, try to give preference to better films. They cost a bit more expensive, but are glued much better cheaper counterparts. In addition, if necessary, you can rejuvenate them, rinse and glue again.

It is recommended to choose a film that is specially designed for your tablet model. But if you can not find such an option, you can purchase a universal. Home, trim the film for the screen contour. bonding process is recommended in the bathroom. If you open the hot water, dust, located in the air is attracted to water and will not fall on the tablet display. Wash your hands well and prepare the device. Clean it from greasy residue that may remain after the touch.

To do this, it is better to apply special tools that can be found in technology stores. Apply a little spray on the wickey napkin (it is often sold in a set with sprays) and wipe the surface of the tablet. Do the operation again. Get any traces left on the surface on the surface. It should be perfectly clean. To remove small dust from the screen, apply paper tape. He leaves no trace and removes dust well. Stick it on the screen and immediately tear off. Make sure that there is not a single dust left - they are the cause of the formation of hated bubbles. Put the device on a smooth and clean surface.

Pull the protective film from the packaging. In addition to the main, there must be two more coverage. Restore the first (STEP1) and turn the film. It is the adhesive side that needs to be glued to the tablet. Try to hardly touch this side with your fingers and make sure that dust or villi particles do not come there. First glue the film angles on the longer side of the display. Adhere to the remaining part with your left hand so that it is not glued incorrectly. In the right hand, take a card from plastic. With it, carefully smooth out the already glued part.

If during the operation of the dust falls to the surface, set aside the card and take advantage of the paper scotch. Stick it to the desired area. Make sure that the air bubbles do not occur - the film must be very tight. Continue the process until it comes to the Niza itself. Then look at the resulting result. If the film fell uneven or you noticed defects - you have to remove it, rinse well and repeat the process from the very beginning.

If the resulting result is completely satisfied, disconnect the second layer of the main film (STEP2). Start from any angle and carefully remove it, so as not to tear the most important layer.

If you are very carefully handled with your device, it will be in perfect condition for a long time. A neat owner immediately issues a device with high-quality protective film. Do not be mistaken if the first time you will not be able to gear it normally. Several attempts - and the problem will be solved.

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