How to return the old VKontakte design

How to return the old VKontakte design

On August 17, 2016, all users of VKontakte were translated into a new design. The entry from the administration of the social network read that in the new design "improved the stability of the site", increased speed and improved usability. In practice, everything turned out to be not the way the developers announced, which caused a wave of negative feedback from users.

How to return the old VKontakte design - the results of redesign

  • The site became "heavy", the weak computers stopped "pulling".
  • Music began to boot much slower.
  • The inconvenience causes the dialog box - it became very unusual to seek not at the top of the interlocutors, and on the side.
  • Visually shifted the photos to the left during viewing.
  • Thumbnails of photos of friends have become "A la iPhone."
  • The remaining small trouble.

All claims to the new social network design laid out on his page Pavel Durov in post "7 complaints about new design."

How to return the old VKontakte design - solutions options

Expansion into browser

Return the old design of VK can special Stylish extension or other similar. An example, how to install and use will be considered on the expansion of Stylish.

Available only for users with Mozilla and Chrome browsers. All installation of expansion and old design comes down to several simple items:

  • install from the store additions to your Stylish browser;
  • go to the site
  • set style.

Everything is ready! Enjoy the old, familiar and comfortable design of VKontakte.

Immediately you can warn you that there will be no one hundred percent old design. With a new design, you will stay viewing photos, there will be some errors of the appearance of the playlist, the applications will go beyond the frame and some other flaws.

At the same time, even such a design is much better than a new one.


Using the mobile version

At the moment, an economical way that allows you to use the usual design and the usual site structure, in particular the structure of the left menu. Before the mobile version, designers have not reached. It is available from any computer and browser at, her one plus is that it is incredibly "easy" in contrast to the full version.

But this option has its drawbacks:

  • Lack of random order in the audio and the possibility of viewing the text of the songs.
  • You can open only one dialogue.
  • There is no audio notification of new messages.
  • No applications.

Each of the methods described above return the old VC design in its convenient. It all depends on the purpose of a person who uses social. net. If solely for communication is the use of the mobile version. If, to view the video, listener of music and other entertainment, it will help him with the first use of the expansion for the browser.

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