How to find out the size of gloves

How to find out the size of gloves

V cold time of the year all try protect their hands. V it is uS help gloves from different materials. How pick up correct the size of this accessory, to hands remained v warm? On this question we try to answer v this article. V her described way definitions size and are given recommendations on choice gloves.

1) Definition gloves size

For togo to to know the size his hands, necessary take santimeter lentu.. Then little bend brush and spend measure widths palm w. basis big finger. Got magnitude volume  pussy v centimeters, but many manufacturers indicate the size v inches. For transfer necessary received number divide 2,71 and result  rain. it and there is the size gloves.
Not rarely required know and other options own palm:

  • length from wrist before tip middle finger;
  • length middle finger;
  • girth pussy w. basis.

Knowing all criteria can without problems pick up to yourself gloves notdependent from manufacturer. Necessary remember about differences male and women gloves. it connected sO building palm. W. men. she how rule wider and fingers w. them topic, how among women.

2Marking products to learn glove size

Everything manufacturers indicate sizes v according to sO n. metric systems, adopted v their country. So european manufacturers indicate sizes v inches, a american apply letter designationsFurther posted by table compliance sizes.

Girth palm 16 16,5 17,5 18 19 20,5 22 23,5 24 26 27
European the size 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10
American for women Xs. S. S. M. M. L. L. XL. XL. XXL XXL
American for men. Xxs. Xxs. Xs. S. S. M. M. L. L. XL.

3How right select and dress gloves

At select necessarily necessary time to gloves. Hands w. all individual, a sewing occurs on standard hecalam. Glove should comfortable sit on hand, not thinking her. That can verify and naturalness material. Natural leather get warm from heat body, a leatherette will remain cool. Stir fingers, make normal movement brush, they not must to be casual. freedom actions means  what hands will be v comfort and warm. Special attention follow spend shvam. products. They must to be smooth, without pass and sticking thread. Lining should to be performed from natural materials:

  • wool;
  • bike;
  • tricat.

Few select quality product, his necessary and right dress up. Not costs her pull on straightaway on all fingers, glove maybe break away. V beginning her dress on four finger and praise on nIM material. After of this neatly immerse big finger and dress cuff products. After neatly smoothing pleats. Everything, glove dressed.

4rules storage of gloves

Gloves, manufactured from fabrics not fear long storage, what it is forbidden to tell o leather analog. They require special attention and care, to not lose form and softness. At storage leather gloves necessary follow some requirements:

  • keep better v pOLLINE bags;
  • not follow put their friend on friend;
  • keep v closed box.;
  • avoid high temperature and humidity.

Used tips, given v article can define the size gloves, suitable exactly You, uknow o rules choice good products and conditions storage. Follow recommendations, You save their gloves v good condition not one season. Pleasant choice and heat Yours handles.


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