How to distinguish fake hours

How to distinguish fake hours

To date, the manufacturing industry has successfully flourishes the industry. If you are going to acquire the clock in the company's official store, you can not worry. But in other cases, be alert. You must be able to distinguish a copy of the original.

If you have the opportunity, hold the original model of the clock in your hands and carefully consider it. In the extreme case, go to the company's official website and carefully inspect the photos of originals. It will come in handy in the future when you acquire a suitable clock.

Fakes can be expensive and cheap. The latter are produced in China. To see such a fake is very simple, because in most cases the manufacturers do not even try to hide disadvantages. The numbers are often applied with the displacement, and the chronograph arrows are drawn. The watch strap is made of the cheapest leatherette, so at the slightest flexion instantly form folds and wrinkles. From the seat of the strap can be stitching threads, and stitches have different sizes. Such a fake is visible to the naked eye.

With expensive copies, everything is much more difficult. They are performed better. Manufacturers do our best to make the copy as much as possible to the original extern. Look at the time tags - they can be applied unevenly, and with a little displacement. The presence of burrs on the labels immediately gives fake. Inscriptions on copies can be located slightly lower or higher. Often a cheap logo stamping is simply crooked.

Pay attention to any little things, for example, the shape of the arrows, the appearance of the housing elements (matte or polished), color on the labels, on the second arrow. Instead of an automatic mechanism, a quartz can insert into a copy. In the first case, the arrow will move smoothly, in the second - navigate to small jumps.

Also look at the packaging. Famous stamps pack their products in expensive and pleasant to the touch materials. Copy manufacturers in this regard are losing vigilance and pack the clock into simple cardboard boxes. Included with the original, you must issue a passport of the clock, where the sequence number of the chronometer is specified. For fakes, in most cases, only instructions are attached. There is also no quality guarantee, so in case of failure, no one will fulfill warranty repair.

If you are going to buy jewelry, swipe on the rim with stones. In the present models, all stones are at the same depth. Another feature is on the copies they look like grayish yellow and have different inclusions. Fake housings are often produced from brass. The gild is applied poorly, so almost immediately after buying on the body, scratches begin to occur. At first glance, this disadvantage is very difficult to determine, but in some cases it can be seen in the fake can be seen of small pieces of already crumbling gilding.

Expensive copies are also called replicas. Some models are performed very carefully outwardly, simply nothing to find fault, but strongly saved on the use of base caliber. To check it, you need to remove the back cover, which is very difficult for a simple buyer. But you can purchase goods and consult with a specialist. In case of fake, you have the right to return the goods within 14 days. For this, the store must work officially. It is worth noting that many manufacturers hold the distinctive signs of their watches in the strictest secrecy to protect their products from fakes. Even professional watchmakers do not know about them.

Many people believe that if a copy looks beautiful and high quality, her purchase is quite justified. But it is important to know that the quality of the mechanisms of fakes is greatly saved, therefore, with a small amount of time, the model begin to fail and break, and the appearance of losing their beauty.

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