Pearl - how to distinguish natural

Pearl - how to distinguish natural

Stone, born in the sea depths ... Pearls always appreciated by people for their perfect beauty. But the production of natural pearls requires great endurance, and they are expensive. In this regard, women could stay without decorations. If it were not for the Japanese Skillo Mikimoto, who in the XVI century first raised the cultured pearls on his farm. Today, on the shelves, except for natural and cultivated, you can even be found made from the "stone" plastic. How to distinguish the fake?

Before buying a product, take it in hand, and better try. A real pearl is even in a summer heat. If this is an ordinary jewelry - there will be no such sensations.

To distinguish natural pearls from an unreal, should be understood in the features of its formation. Wild pearl grows at the bottom of the sea or in freshwater reservoirs, in the sink of mussels or oysters, without human intervention. Cultivated gets like this: inside the mollusk is placed beads and send it back in the reservoir, so the foreign body will be enveloped by the pearl layers for many years, to the word, rather uneven, small waves, like sand on the beach. But the artificial pearls in any way is not related to water elements and sinks - it's just plastic covered with too high-quality paint. Therefore, if you spend your hand on the surface of natural pearls, you will feel small roughness, texture features. Synthetic analogues are perfectly smooth and smooth.

The easiest way to find out the true origin of the stone is to cut the pearl. The natural pearls in the section consists of small grain grains and covering its layers of the chip. In the cultured inside the pearl beads and the core and the thin layer of the pace - up to 0.5 mm. Artificial pearl is a plastic core or glass, which is covered with paint, which is peeling at cutting. This test is ideal when buying pearls wholesale. However, in the store when choosing the decoration, the seller will not allow to cut beads.

Another way to identify natural pearls is to try tooth bead. First, you will feel all the irregularities and roughness of the natural stone. Secondly, the pearls always crusted, as it consists of slices of pearl with the unarmed eyes. Thirdly, in the mouth there should be a kind of taste - sea sand. However, this technique is more suitable to distinguish the natural pearl from artificial. In the cultured fewer layers of the clutch, it can also be perfectly smooth, especially if it is covered with a protective coating. Although this stone does not cease to be real.

Take a sharp object, for example, a knife. And try to scratch a bead slightly. You can also bite the pearl or just lose two beads about each other. If you are the original, then as a result of such studies, pearl dust will fall. It does not affect the product, it is enough just to spend your finger on the scratch - and it will disappear. If the scratch remains, the paint layers are visible, then you are trying to sell ordinary glass.

Explore holes in pearls. If their edges are littered with the chips of the surface layer, the collapse of the paint, then the stone is not natural. You can also take a lapse with a tenfold magnification to look inside. A dark strip that you will see there demonstrates that artificial pearls. This is the line between the preparation and coloring matter.

Look at the decoration with sunlight. You can also use a bright lamp. Natural pearls in this case will look different, you will see an abundance of shades and glitters, which is a natural feature of this stone. If all the beads are the same, you can be sure - in front of you fake.

When checking the pearls, it is recommended to navigate the weight of the product. Imitation of natural stone, as a rule, is made by the hollow. Also, emptiness in fakes are often filled with wax. Therefore, the decoration made of natural pearls will be harder than the synthetic analogue. But if you need to determine the origin of the beads from the ring - this method will not help, you will have to check its texture.

Drop the pearl to the floor. Throwing is recommended from a height of about half a meter. Real, born at the bottom of the sea, will jump like a ping ball. Artificial will jump only a little and then just rolling. In addition, the fake can also split at all, but this test is not terrible to the original.

And finally, pay attention to the price tag if you buy branded jewelry. They are very expensive, their price is several more fakes. In this case, it is advisable to turn to the hemologist, which will give you a conclusion about the origin of pearls.

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