How to choose a diamond

How to choose a diamond

In the past, the mere fact of the presence of diamonds in the wealthy owner gave him uncommon fame, high social position and status of the person is very secured. Now the very stone will surprise nobody - too many ridiculous fakes gives us today's market of precious materials. True luxury can be called a natural, pure, refined, almost perfect diamond that not only emphasize the beauty and femininity of any woman, but also will be a reliable and profitable investment for every man. Guided by the basic rules and expert advice, you can choose the perfect creation, without becoming a victim of fraud and scams.

Having decided on the purchase of such an expensive object, the buyer will certainly wish to get the best option with the ideal performance. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the main characteristics of the diamond are recorded as a fraction color / clarity, many of the customers claim to the stone marked 1/1. But these creations even nature does not create too much. And then start all the problems. Unfortunately, excessive price is not always the key to a successful purchase, or a correct choice. Far more important than a reasonable price / performance ratio.


Probably everyone knows that to make such purchases worth only in specialty stores or departments, where the reputation of an institution is valued above all else, a regular expert at any time prove useful help. In any time you can not purchase diamonds "with hands" or suspicious, obscure outlets. Even the Internet is not so easy to find a sensible seller that provides a 100% guarantee of quality and authenticity. A self to distinguish the original from a fake on as easy as it seems.


To choose a good product, there is no need to overpay an excessive amount of money. It is important to understand which criteria are a diamond characteristic. First of all, it is purity, color, weight and cut. A combination of such data is a general view of the quality and price of precious stone.


Unlike many other goods in trading trays, the price of the diamond increases is not proportion to weight, but in geometric progression. So, a 1 carat stone can be estimated by 30-40% higher than a similar instance of 0.90 carats. The fact is that by nature a diamond, like any other raw materials, has some inclusions and defects that are removed during cutting and cutting. Because of this, it is very difficult to create a perfect faceted stone of large sizes. Measure the most carats on a special instrument - carat scales.


The color of diamonds can be absolutely any - from black to colorless. Completely transparent stones are valued insanely high. However, the color characteristic is indicated by the Russian system - from 1 to 9, according to American - letters from D to Z. The most frequent on sale - diamonds with an indicator 3-5, and to distinguish 3-4 or 4-5 unarmed look very hard. Does it make sense to pay more if there is no principled difference? Colored stones, as a rule, are somewhat cheaper. For example, the yellow group is indicated by the number 8, and inside it there is another brightness designation scale - from 1 to 5. This concerns other color groups.

Colored diamonds

One of the main criteria that significantly affect the cost of the faceted diamond is considered to be purity. That is, the presence or absence inside the stone of all sorts of impurities, inclusions and defects. Of course, it is almost impossible to determine their "on the eye", but they affect the shine and value of the goods. Clean water diamond When considering under a 10-fold magnifying glass, no foreign particles will show. He is also the most valuable instance. The rest are indicated by GIA assessment, have an indicator below.


The last significant indicator - ogranka. It turns a simple diamond into a chic diamond. Round finish with 57 faces is more popular today. But some buyers prefer fantasy forms according to the type "Heart", "Pear", "Princess", "Marquis". A variant of the cut diamond is clearly defined by the processing wizard, as it should only advantageously emphasize its advantages, keep the maximum size, hide some possible flaws.


By choosing a diamond with the most desirable indicators, do not forget about the guarantee of authenticity. Especially in cases where the product is bought as a capital investment, and not further jewelry processing. One of the most popular authentication and quality assurance methods is certification. The issuance of those engaged Moscow Gemological Center And other similar institutions. The document indicates the weight, size, color, cleanliness, degree of fluorescence, the presence and location of defects. Such a certificate is a significant confirmation of the qualities declared by the seller, and then you.


In truth, only a gift horse in the teeth do not look. If you buy a precious product for personal purposes, make a maximum of effort so that the goods are fully consistent with your expectations. Otherwise, you risk being deceived unfailed seller.

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