How to clean silver at home

How to clean silver at home

Due to its practicality, beautiful appearance and ease of processing, silver is one of the most popular precious metals. It makes jewelry, cutlery, decorative elements, etc. But over time, the beauty of silver products is fading, and in the literal sense - silver is oxidized, it becomes dark and far from such a causing look. We will tell about how to keep silver in perfect condition or return to the old charm to the old.

For many centuries, many centuries from this metal make excellent jewelry, luxurious homemade utensils, etc. Since ancient times it was believed that their owner will be protected from any negative impacts, because silver takes them to themselves and therefore darkens. But now we certainly know that the whole thing in oxidative processes occurring with silver.

Why silver darkens

Silver - excellent metal, but, unfortunately, strongly subject to oxidation. The cause of silver darkening can be several factors:

  • Excess moisture both on the human body and in the room where silver products are stored, significantly accelerates oxidizing processes, and silver rapidly darkens.
  • Features of the sweaty system of man. Here everything is individually and depends on the characteristics of the body's work: some years are sparkling decorations, others are covered by a raid in a matter of months.
  • Cosmetical tools. This applies primarily by sulfur-containing cosmetics: the result of the interaction of silver and sulfur is the appearance of a dark fly on the first.

Methods of cleaning silver

Before proceeding directly to the removal process, it is worth taking care that silver products are cleaned of dirt, fat. To do this, it is enough to lower them for a while in warm soap water or use an old toothbrush (soft) for cleaning. After thoroughly rinse under running water. Now you can proceed to remove a dark fly.

The optimal option, of course, will acquire a composition designed specifically for cleaning silver products. If there is no such, then it is not scary, because there is a whole "arsenal" of methods that help get rid of an unpleasant plaque. We will look at a few of them:

  • Soda. The simplest and most affordable method of cleaning silver. This will require only food soda and water. In a small container, a soda mixture is prepared: it should be thick consistency. As a "tool" for cleaning, a dense march or a small cloth is quite suitable. It is enough to treat the surface for a few minutes, and silver will take again.
  • Lemon acid. Another equally efficient and affordable "stimulator" for cleaning silver is a common lemon acid. In order for it to react with silver sulfide, not enough warm water - boiling will need. A prepared mixture of water with citric acid is poured into a convenient capacity of the capacitance (5: 1 ratio), we lower the products in need of cleaning and a piece of copper wire. We put the container on the water bath so that the heating occurs evenly. Keep on fire for 20-30 minutes. If the kitchen has a hood - it's worth turning on it. Purified products are rinsed with clean water and wipe dry.
  • Ammonia. Silver products are soaked in a 10% variaver solution for 15-20 minutes. Then washed with running water and wipe dry.
  • Aluminum foil + soda. Unusual, but very effective way to purify silver. Boil water, then add to it soda at the rate of 50 g of powder per 1 liter of water. We are waiting until the substances fully enter the reaction. We take another container, riveted the bottom of the foil, lay the products from silver on top and completely poured them with a prepared composition. We are waiting for about five minutes - and silver glitters as a new one. Then it is necessary to remove the products, rinse with water and dry.

All of the above methods are applicable only for products without precious stones, otherwise it can be fraught with damage to the stone. For decorations with precious inserts, a special cleaning composition is used.

Store silver correct

Note Several tips to help you keep the original type of silver:

  • wipe the products from silver dry napkin (cloth) after contact with a wet surface, leather;
  • when working around the house, you should remove jewelry made of silver or put on gloves;
  • during application on the skin of cosmetics, their contact with silver should be avoided, so decorations, again it is better to remove;
  • rarely used silver products to wrap foil to keep their original look;
  • do not wear silver ornaments around the clock: put them on the night in a special box, preferably separately from each other.

We shared with you several uncomplicated, but effective methods of solving silver products in order. Now it will not be difficult for you to maintain your favorite jewelry or dishes in primeval form for many years.

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