How to see the password

How to see the password

Many users of personal computers and Internet services have some misunderstanding when entering passwords in the registration form. Most often, the code word is closed with special "asterisks", since to see if a combination was correctly indicated? Let's deal with how to simplify this process.

See the password in the browser

Very convenient to save your data in the browser, on the entrance page. For some time we go to the site automatically, as a result, forgetting the pass code that no need to keep in my head. To recall the already entered password, which is displayed on the Star Screens, consider an example with Gmail mail from Google. We highlight the code word under the dots by double click or pulling the cursor, press the right mouse button to call the context menu. We are looking for an item that allows you to see the source code of the element (at the moment this is available in any popular browser). In Firefox, it is called the "Fragment Source Code", or is located through the item "Explore the Element". Internet Explorer uses the F12 button. We are looking for a "Input Type" string that appeared listing and replacing its value "password" on "text". Now (for the current page) The password will be displayed as letters. During the next input, the password will be displayed again under the asteristers, so write down or remember it.

See a password through browser settings

To see a hidden password, try specially configured to display it on web pages. For this, on the example of Google Chrome, open the main menu, then "Settings", "show add. Settings ", select the" passwords "subsection, in it -" Management of saved passwords ". Here they can be considered for each site, change or delete. In addition, there is a special program for viewing the password under the "stars", called PWDCRACK. By installing it on the computer, just Mouse over the pass code field, and the program displays information in your readable form. Password Cracker works with almost all types of programs, among the popular exception is only Skype.

How to protect your password in the browser?

Based on the above method, your password can see anyone. How to protect yourself from these manipulations? The initial answer is simple - close your PC or account password. In other cases, we will help various extensions for browsers and third-party programs that perform additional protection functions. For example, LastPass or RoboForm not only reliably store your passwords in their databases, but also help to generate a complex password that will not have to be a random attacker. Drive the passwords that you saved to further log in, easily through the built-in toolkit. This is the "Protection" menu -\u003e "Saved passwords" in Firefox or "Advanced Settings" -\u003e "Password Management" for Chrome. Also saved passwords can be hidden by setting a special master password over, including using the LastPass application.

If you need to choose a password to a file or archive, it is best to use the Crak program by downloading it from the official site. It is installed extremely simple, launching passwords in one click.

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