How to install Skyrim

How to install Skyrim

Tes V Skyrim has the same installation features as other modern games. You can download it from the services, like Steam or Gog, buy on the disk in the store or via the Internet.

Setting from a DVD to Steam

If you purchased Skyrim in a specialized store on a disk, be sure to pay attention to the availability of an activation key that is unique and must be in the box. Beware of fakes, do not buy content "from tray", it can lead to problems with installing and starting. If you are fully confident in the purchase license, place the game disk in the drive tray and follow the following instructions:

  • after reading the disk, the actuator should appear on the screen with a scenery from Skyrima and the Install button;
  • if the autoran is not started, we go to the "Laptop", we find a disk in "devices with removable carriers", open a double click and repeat the first installation point;
  • the installer will open Steam, which is desirable to install on a PC in advance (or the program will offer you to download it and create an account currently);
  • follow the prompts on the screen - create a steam account or authorize with the current login \\ password;
  • when the entrance is carried out, Steam will offer to conduct a license key of the product - we are looking for it on the package and carefully fit into the corresponding window (not scary if you make an error - the system allows you to make many attempts);
  • if the key, like the box itself, is not available (perhaps you bought an electronic version of online), check your mail - usually stores send data to activate by email;
  • when the activation procedure is completed, the installation will be launched, click "Next";
  • at this stage, pay attention to how much space remains on a logical disk, check whether gigabytes will be enough for successful installation;
  • the rest of the installation will take automatically, the program will notify you when the process is completed;
  • click "Next", go to the official game page (if you play through Steam, here, subsequently, the achievements will be displayed), click on "Play", Skyrim will start;
  • play with pleasure.

Sometimes after the start, it can start swing a patch - better not interrupt this important and useful process. Timely installation of patches helps to avoid unpleasant departures, bugs, vulnerabilities and other problems, and sometimes even allows you to get bonuses.

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