How to install the game from the disk

How to install the game from the disk

The view that it is enough to click on the "Next" to install the game to the computer, right only in part. There are certain subtleties and nuances, without which the correct operation of the game is not guaranteed. Below we will look at them.

Before laying out money for the game disc, read the system requirements of its contents. If they correspond to the technical characteristics of your PC, the purchase boldly pay and take home, after examining it for the absence of scratches and damage. The system requirements are indicated on the back of the disc packaging.

Returning from the store, you can start installing the game to your computer. The process begins with the disk insertion in the PC DVD drive. After a few seconds, reading information will end, the autorun system will show you the first installation window. It should be clicked "Set". If autorun for any reason did not work, it can be initiated by double pressing the left mouse button on the DVD drive icon, after clicking on the My Computer menu from the desktop.

In the next window that opens, click "Next". The following window contains a license agreement. You can read it, but the main thing is to install a tick in the "I accept the terms of the license agreement". Go to "Next".

Here the directory is selected for installing the game. By default, it leads to the System Disk S. His file register "clogging" games should not be, otherwise, malfunctions are possible in your PC. Therefore, in the address bar, you need to change the proposed path to the game Disk D with the "Games" folder, pre-on it created. The system disk with the computer operating system files will be saved. After recording the change of click "Next".

The game installation window opens. You need to press the appropriate button and wait for the end of its process. It takes for a while. It all depends on the volume of the archive with the game and PC power. After the installation is completed, the game program must be reported to you. It may also include the DIRECT X version type as an additional and suitable for this game. Install it too.

Now the installation of the game is completed. The computer needs to restart. After that you can run the game. Enjoy your leisure!

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