How to install mod in the game

How to install mod in the game

Modern fans of computer games with hobby are engaged in modding. This makes it possible to participate in improving your favorite toy, make something new, fresh, work on the characters in her plot. Implemented models can be created independently or downloaded from the Internet, replacing default.

Find the modes you are interested in to the game on the Internet, it is desirable one of the last versions time. To do this, go to the fashion developer website and see which version is the most relevant.

Download the archive with the mod. Usually modes are in archives with the .rar or .zip extension. Unpack them into a separate folder using the archiver program (7zip or WinRAR, respectively). Inside the folder there will be files required for installation of a mod, usually with the .esp extension, sometimes .esm.

Carefully learn the instruction, it is often attached to the fashion as a Read Me file. Small knowledge of the English language will be sufficient for this. Create a backup game, as in trying to improve the game you can destroy it, unsuccessfully changing the database. Manually setting the game is performed according to the instructions.

Examine the structure of the folders of your game. Usually games are set by default in the C: \\ Program Files \\ folder, then goes \u003cgame name\u003e / \u003cgame folder\u003e or on the local disk C: \\ in the root folder, if you have not changed the folder when installing the game. Most often, the mods are distributed in this form so that the user can simply copy them to the game folder and that's it.

Frequently fashion has their own installer. Then the implementation of the Fashion will happen much easier, without your intervention. The installer itself will find the folder for installation, and the entire insertion process of the Fashion will follow you. For example, when installing a fashion to popular games created on the SOURCE engine (for example, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, etc.), in the archive folder, find the gameinfo.txt file if it is, then this is a SOURCE-mod. Place it in the game folder in the subfolder sourcemods. Create a folder if it is missing. Restart the game and start a new mod, as a normal game, from the list of "My Games" folder.

Install fashion only with proven sites, preferably on official licensed versions of games. When installing multiple mods to the game, copy and unpack them into the same folders so that the files are not duplicated, create one common mod. Remember that some mods can conflict with each other, carefully study the instructions for modes and do not forget to make backup games for their recovery if necessary.

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