How to install android on tablet

How to install android on tablet

The Android platform tablets have long become popular, today they use millions of people. Multifunctionality and convenience of this OS makes it indispensable and having worthy analogs. The advantages of the Android OS are very significant and founden - security, not considered the number of programs, speed and reliability. However, the users still have to refirm their Android system sooner or later.

Why change the firmware android?

Most often, users of the film are flashing android to install the new version. After all, it becomes a shame when there is neither a single scratch on the device, and the time from his acquisition has passed quite a bit, but the Android version is already far from the last, moreover, a newer OS has already been installed on the devices. Naturally, users wonder how to install the android new version to your tablet. After all, with every updates, it is simply irrational to change your device.

However, in addition to installing a new version, there are a number of other reasons:

  • To increase the OS functionality - to improve user privileges, install inaccessible applications, remove some limitations, etc.
  • The ability to get rid of the pre-installed applications that the user is not needed.
  • The device needs to flash Android when failures begin in the system, simply tell when the tablet begins to "bug".
  • The lack of Russian language. In the tablet, purchased abroad or in a foreign online store can not be Russian locale. What to do in this case? Install Android, because there are no other methods of solving this problem.
  • Unofficial firmware allow to modify their registration systems - add visual effects, fonts, and other decorations. Such opportunities for sure will please fans of design refinements.

As a self-install Android on the tablet

  • To begin, get root / superuser privileges. It is necessary for you to be able to install ROM Manager app. With his help you will sew your tablet. Get root-privileges you different programs - Universal Androot, GingerBreak, Z4Root and others. This is done most often in a single click, you need to select «Root device» option.
  • After receiving the rooting download and install the ROM Manager. Through this program, you need to install Android on the tablet. This program is offered in two versions - free and paid. The first - a Premium version, it allows the program itself, without further action, download and install the firmware version. If you install the free version, you will have to search for a suitable firmware.
  • Go to the main menu ROM Manager and install ClockworkMod - it contains the required boot loader. In any case, we recommend to save a backup copy of the system - «Save current ROM».
  • Transfer new firmware to the microSD, then insert it into a tablet. The device should be charged at 100%, but does not disconnect it from the charging, turn off all other Soup. Launch the ROM Manager, select «Install ROM from SD Card», the update process is running, it will take approximately 15-30 minutes.
  • If the tablet screen in front of you Android icon appears with an exclamation mark, then you need to perform a system restore. To get into the recovery environment, click on the exclamation point. Select from the menu - «Install ZIP from SD Card», then click on the command «Toggle signature verification», select «Choose ZIP from SD Card». The problem is resolved, and the tablet is established a new system of Android.
  • If you do not like something in the new firmware, you can regain old. Install ROM Manager, from its main menu, select «Backups». The previous version of the firmware is in the copies of the list, just select it and restore in a single click.

Following all the tips, you can easily install Android on the tablet. But remember, no matter how well it went or not, a guarantee on your device, you lose. Therefore, the firmware on your tablet, you do at your own risk. But nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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