How to install the game for android

How to install the game for android

Recently, smartphones are used not only for mobile communications. Often smartphones Along with Tablet PCs have a great margin of memory on the map and may include a large number of all kinds of applications and games. The big touch screen of these gadgets allows you to enjoy all the delights of the world of computer games.

To install applications and games, you need to download them from the Internet. It is required to connect to the network. Basically, Android devices use Wi-Fi connection, but there are many models that provide access to the network using a 3G channel.

Smartphone-Wi-Fi-Point Access

Using the Android OS device, go to "Menu" and open the Google Play application (Play Market). Here are all sorts of paid and free entertainment applications.

The Market Menu works very conveniently, you can enter the game you need to "search" if you look for something specific. It is easy to find interesting in the "category", to get acquainted with new products in the "top new paid" and "top new free". Choose one of the proposed games by clicking on its image. Here you can find a description, view the screenshots of the interface, read reviews and evaluations from other users, and also know the price. If the application is paid and you buy it, the re-download will be free.

To start the installation, it is enough to click "Set". After that, the "live" icon will appear in the top of the status - the arrow running down. Upon completion of the download and installation, it will be changed to a static icon. An application icon with which it will be called, placed in the "Menu" and on the last active "device" device.

Do not forget to update the installed game, follow changes in Google Play. In paid versions of games are often provided with demoments that can be used for free one or several times.

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