How PS3 Connect to Computer

How PS3 Connect to Computer

PS3, abbreviated from Sony PlayStation 3, although it is called a game console, is a multifunction device. Games - Only a part of what is able to PS3, because the prefix has a built-in internet browser, means of playing musical and high-quality video files, including with a hard disk of the computer. Connect PS3 to a computer as follows.

Depending on the existing equipment and its technical characteristics, you can connect the prefix with wireless or wired methods. The first assumes the availability of a computer with WiFi support, the second - router or network card. If you do not plan to watch high-definition movies, especially Blu-ray quality, WiFi connection is quite suitable.

You can organize a wireless connection between PlayStation 3 and a computer can be different. The easiest way, who has a modem or a router with a built-in WiFi module. If you have a regular ADSL modem, create a wireless network and an Internet access point for the console is possible using a virtual router - Programs Connectify or any similar utility. A simple program interface does not cause questions, the only negative is to go online with PS3 you can only with the computer enabled.


By connecting the prefix using a network cable to the router, you will avoid the need to mess with the PS3 and computer network settings. Moreover, Internet access to the console will not depend on whether the computer is turned on or not.

The connection option to the network card does not apply to the simplest solutions, since it will be necessary to further buy the second card for the console. After it is mounted in a PC, connect PS3 using a network cord and perform the necessary network connection settings - Set the IP and the mask, and in the network parameters in PS3, specify the IP of the computer, change the latest digit to the IP subnet (from 2 to 255), leave the mask the same.

After you have connected the PlayStation 3 by any of the listed methods, set the program to work and exchange files with the game console PS3 Media Server. Configure the program is easy - set the folders in which multimedia files are stored, select the optimal computer performance options and media playback.


Another program intended for transmitting data between the computer and the prefix is \u200b\u200bPS3 FTP Server. The undoubted plus data exchange via FTP is speed and reliability, but configure the FTP server newcomer in this matter is not so easy.

By connecting the PS3 to the computer, do not forget to change the Windows Firewall settings - you must allow the prefix to use the network, otherwise Internet access will be limited or is prohibited.

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Sergey 15/01/2016 at 14:32

Tell me how to transfer the ISO image image to PS3 via PS Media Server?

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Oleg 01/01/2017 at 8:39.

Hello. Yesterday I gave SPS3, HDD 500GB but there are no games, but they said that you can connect to PC as the usual HDD that go to PC? He will not burn?

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Oleg 07/01/2017 at 19:19

Do not burn

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