How to reduce cadastral cost

How to reduce cadastral cost

The desire to reduce the cadastral value for quite a long time alarming of some land owners. Recently, a solution has been found such an annoying problem. Reduce the cadastral cost is possible by calculating the real market value as cadastral and challenging in the current. But in fact, not everything is as easy as in words. It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat cases this option is real, which should be done for this.

The need to reduce cadastral value appears only in some individual cases. These include: an overestimated indicator (earlier in the process of state estimates), a change of category (for example, from agriculture to industrial), a change in the destination (from the category of agricultural to the country settlement, etc.), the change of the intended purpose of the site.

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The right to reduce the cadastral value of the site has only certain persons. The territory owner may apply to the court for further satisfaction of the claim, since the overestimated value violates its taxpayer's rights forced overpayment of the tax. The tenant can also challenge the cadastral cost if it acts as a base for the arrival of the rent.


There are several ways to solve a difficult task. For example, by having an independent expert in the hands of the existing conclusion, you can contact the Commission to revise such a value. You can also visit the arbitration court by registering the IP. At the moment, this is the most favorable option. For individuals there is a third option - the court of general jurisdiction at the location of the land plot.

The laborious and long-term process, as a rule, occurs in several stages. At the beginning it is desirable to make an analysis of the possibility of a decrease. Using the services of a private company or public person and providing minimal binding information about the site, you will learn how much the cost reduction is possible in general and how it is better to achieve a positive result. Next, the market value is estimated by a certified expert. It is the basis for a court decision, so this stage is considered key. I would not be superfluous to learn about market value estimation Maximum information in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe position of things.

The next step is to visit the Territorial Commission. But only at the time when the discrepancy in the market and cadastral value indicators is more than 30%. You can also go to court at the location of the land. In some cases, there is a need to conduct an examination of an existing report on the assessment of the market value. She can come in handy in the lawsuit. An example of such a report you can view in advance.

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The last important stage is the entry into force of the court decision. No more action will have to do. The court decision will be a kind of signal authorities and tax inspectors to recalculate land tax . In most cases, the entire procedure takes about 2 months. Subject to the use of private canther services, the term is reduced, but the cost increases significantly.

Since recent changes to the law on appraisal activities in the territory of the Russian Federation, an excellent chance of reducing cadastral value for many landowners has appeared. If competently approach the question and accurately perform all instructions of the judiciary, the positive result will not wait for a long time.

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