How to remove all the records from the wall

How to remove all the records from the wall

Entries on FaceBook page can tell a lot about a person: they are your pictures, old posts, possibly details of his personal life. If your page has a lot of years, the records on the wall can be several hundred. Removal of the entire wall with one entry may take you weeks. In this article you will find two effective ways that will automatically delete entries as your wall, and the wall community. Immediately it should say that the first method is faster, but it does not always work, and the second, much longer, but it works perfectly.

How to remove all the records from the wall Vkontakte: the first way

The fastest way involves inserting special script directly into your browser. It's really fast, but it does not always work and not completely. Try first to resort to this method.

  • Go to your page Vkontakte, pay attention to the address bar.

Insert the following script:

javascript: var h \u003d document.getElementsByClassName ( "ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i \u003d 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str \u003d h [i] .getElementsByTagName ( "a") [0] .onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 \u003d fn_str.split ( "("); var fn_arr_2 \u003d fn_arr_1 [1] .split ( ";"); eval (fn_arr_2 [0]); if (i \u003d\u003d h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id \u003d setInterval (del_wall, 500);

Press "Enter". Entries will be removed themselves, watch the process and try not to touch the computer at this point.

How to remove all the records from the wall Vkontakte: the second method

In the second method, you need to get to the pages of code - or rather, to the console. In it you insert a script designed specifically to delete all entries from the wall, however, the method has its own nuances.

  • Open FaceBook page, then click on the page, right-click and select the line "Examine item". Different browsers string name may be slightly different, this name stands in Mozilla.

  • An additional window opens from the bottom or side of the page. In this window, find the "Console" tab. From below, you will see a string for entering the code.

Insert the following script:

(function () ('use strict'; if (! confirm ('delete all entries from the wall?')) Return; var deletepostlink \u003d document.body.QuerySelectorLall ('a.ui_actions_menu_item [OnClick ^ \u003d "Wall.DeletePost"] ');for (var i \u003d 0; i \u003cdeletepostlink.length; i ++) (DeletePostLink [i] .Click ();) Alert (DeletePostLink.length + 'Posts deleted'); ) ());

Note that in some browsers you need confirmation for input. This is done for your safety, as fraudsters can use the user's ignorance and insert malicious links to the code.
Therefore, you may have to enter the "Allow insert" to the phrase code. This will notify you with the browser window itself if necessary.

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