How to delete saved passwords in Yandex.Browser

How to delete saved passwords in Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser uses very many, but not everyone is well versed in all the nuances of this search engine. Frequently asked question - how to remove saved passwords in the browser under consideration?

Saving passwords in the browser

Different people prefer different browsers for Internet surfing. To someone in the soul of elementary browsers, and someone needs multifunctional. Immediately it is worth noting that multifunction browsers, such as Yandex Browser, have a lot of functions. Which you also need to be able to use and sometimes, everything turns out not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Of course, nothing, the supervised in this browser, too, is not, you just need to understand all the features and settings to understand the principle of its work.

One of the features that this browser gives is the preservation of the necessary passwords. Agree, very convenient and necessary function. Thanks to which you will not need to constantly enter your data in a special window, in order to visit a particular site on the Internet. After all, it happens that personal data consists of a variety of characters, including a set of numbers and letters, and remember it, sometimes, oh, as I do not want.

It often happens that by entering their personal data in a specific pop-up window, the user does not want the browser to remember it, it may be a lot of reasons for it, including the use of someone else's computer for its purposes. In order to have after entering the account, the browser has not saved this information. The user just need to press the mouse button to "never save for the site" and then you can be confident in the confidentiality of your personal data. By pressing such a feature, you encourage yourself on manual entry of all accounts.

Remove passwords

Immediately I want to note that the process of removing passwords in different versions of the browser will be different, so this fact should also be borne in mind when performing certain actions. The principle will remain the same, but only there are some nuances that you need to know. Let's look at several ways to remove passwords that were previously saved in Yandex browser. The first way to implement this process:

  • You can delete all available passwords through the "Settings" function or the use of the data of the available cache.
  • Through the settings - in this case, the user has the ability to get rid of passwords alternately, that is, one by one.
  • In the case of using a cache, you have the ability to delete all the passwords stored in the browser. This method is very convenient in the event that you need to get rid of all previously saved information.

In order to use the way described above, it is not necessary to enter the menu and search for the desired partition, simultaneously press multiple keys - "Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE" simultaneously. Thus, you can also clear not only the history of saved passwords, but also all downloads, cookies type files, etc.

It turns out that the user presses the set of the above keys and selects it yourself, which information must be erased from the memory (for this, simply mark the checkboxes that it is no longer needed in the browser's memory).

For those who have never made this process yet, explain in more detail, in the pop-up window, which is called "Clear History", you will see a list of files that can be removed from memory. In the list of these folders and files, select the 5 point called "Passwords", we set the tick and press the button below the left in the pop-up "Clean History" window.

The second way is as follows:

  • If you still decide to delete manually, that is, delete something defined from the memory, and not to clear the cache completely, then you will have to use the "Settings" functions.
  • We open the browser itself, and find the section "Settings".
  • Now the mouse wheel is scrolling the window to its nose itself and select the "Advanced Settings" function.
  • The next step is to find the "Form" graph, and select the "Saving passwords for the site" item, click the button called "Management".
  • As soon as you do everything, as described above, a window will appear in front of you, where there will be a list in which all passwords will be listed (each of the available sites).
  • Now your task choose those passwords that you would like to erase and click on the opposite of each of them the cross, which will be a confirmation of what you want to get rid of them.
  • If, instead of passwords in the column there will be solid points, simply click the button next to the selected password "show" and you will immediately see what the password immediately and decide whether to delete it from the browser's memory.

Why delete password?

There are several reasons why you may need to remove passwords:

  • It happens that too many passwords the user saves in the browser, this leads to the fact that the cache is clogged, and this, in turn, negatively affects the work of the browser Yandx (including processes begin to slow down and the speed of the computer device becomes much lower) .

  • It is not yet necessary to discount in this situation and the security of the system. It is necessary to understand that, despite the high level of protection of the browser under consideration, there are a lot of workarounds. Through which fraudsters can easily use all the information that is in your Keshe.
  • It is also worth removing passwords also in the case when a computer device where you saved all your personal data, we use not only you, but also other outsiders.

Of all the above reasons, it can be concluded that each user Yandex browser is obliged to be able to remove passwords.

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