How to remove wax from clothing?

How to remove wax from clothing?

Wax on your clothing may get completely different way. For example, during a romantic dinner, you accidentally touched a lighted candle wax and hit on your favorite dress. Wax leaves a greasy track display which is quite difficult. Each type of tissue requires individual way of removing traces of contamination.

Print the wax on clothes made of natural fabrics

Print the wax stains that are left on things made of natural fabrics, not so difficult. Different ways and a lot of tips, but the most effective are:

  • 1 way - dirty thing put on the ironing board, turn the iron and expose mode "Natural fabrics" (if the iron of the new model), the spot slightly moisten with water and cover with a paper towel (it is better to use paper handkerchiefs) and iron iron, repeat the procedure twice before full stain dries.
  • Method 2 - make the soap solution from soap and apply it on the soiled clothes leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Wax on clothes made of synthetics

To remove the wax with this material have not a little bother. Keep in mind that synthetics can be very easy to spoil the look of the clothes and did not return. So remove the stain must be very careful.

  • 1 way - to put clothes in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator for 20 minutes, remove any excess wax with a cloth;
  • 2 method - in warm water, add a couple drops of washing dishes and to soak the items 1 hr.
  • 3 Way - moisten a cotton swab in gasoline and wipe them stain clothing should be immediately rinsed;
  • 4 way - to turn on the dryer and begin to heat the spot for 5 minutes, remove the wax residue using a paper towel (it is important not to rub the stain!);
  • 5 way - directly on the stain put a few drops of turpentine (you can use the eyedropper), and wait for 3 minutes, then wash clothes and rinse thoroughly.

Wax fur products

Wax stains on the fur removed is very difficult. If you worry about the safety coats, it is better to trust the professionals and to address the dry cleaners. However, such a procedure is expensive enough, so not everyone can afford it. There are several popular ways how to remove the wax with a fur product: 1

  • Method 1 - place the item in the freezer and wait until the wax dries finally, to remove residues using a tissue (using this method is not greasy);
  • Method 2 - Use a comb with very fine-toothed comb and begin to wax in the same direction (if you noticed that lint from items remain on the comb, to stop the procedure).

Wax suede clothing

Remove the wax on the suede is very difficult. A high probability that the product may be spoiled if the wax spot to start rubbing. In this case, the wax is not a trace display. But if you start to remove the wax as soon as he was on the clothing, the thing can still be saved.

  • Method 1 - irons heat and attach the paper towel, napkin applied to the hot spot until it absorbs all traces of wax;
  • 2 method - boil the kettle and hold the item over the steam for 2 minutes, remove the remnants of cloth;
  • 3 Way - of turpentine and ammonia solution, rub the stain and soak the remnants of wax with a damp sponge.

The best stain removers

If you're not a supporter of popular recipes, then it is better to turn to a proven chemical means to remove any stains easily. Mistresses have long appreciated the effectiveness of these tools:

  • stain remover "Amway" company;
  • Vanish;
  • stain remover "Faberlic";
  • Ecover;
  • stain remover "Sarma asset."

Do not forget about the miracle-cleaning properties of ordinary soap.

If you can not remove the stain or the effect you are not satisfied, then it is better to seek help from professionals.

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